Gloria.TV News on the 22nd of July 2016 Preferences: L’Osservatore Romano reprinted the words of Boston Cardinal O’Malley against Donald Trump, although Trump is not mentioned by name. According to …More
Gloria.TV News on the 22nd of July 2016

Preferences: L’Osservatore Romano reprinted the words of Boston Cardinal O’Malley against Donald Trump, although Trump is not mentioned by name. According to the anti-Church Il Messaggero who is close to Pope Francis, Trump is not popular in the Vatican. Mother Gloria asks whether the Vatican prefers Killary Klinton.

Something Missing: Donald Trump’s running mate Mike Pence is the only one of six siblings who lapsed from the Catholic Faith. He explained to CBN that his Catholic upbringing, attending the Novus Ordo six days a week, left him with a sense of something missing. Pence grew up in the time after the Council. Pence's departure from the Church has long been a source of disappointment to his mother who was brought up before the Council.

Ecumenical Leninism: There will be an interreligious center at the Olympic Village for the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. The center will have five meeting rooms. The Christian meeting room will be Catholic. The coordinator of the center is a Catholic priest. His name is Father Leandro Lenin Tavares.

Abomination: On Thursday, an annual homosex march was organized in Jerusalem. Two Jewish rabbis published a letter calling the event a "parade of abomination."
A pro-life lapsed Catholic and a pro-abort "Traditional" Catholic? It's good Pence recognized something missing in the Novus Ordo. And should we be surprised Kaine feels right at home? "Beam me up, Scotty!"
Uncle Joe
Preferences: Trump is not popular in the Vatican or with Boston Cardinal O’Malley.
Follow the money!
According to their financial statement for 2014, the latest year for which figures are available, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops received over $79 million in government grants to provide benefits to refugees. The Church facilitates this foreign invasion as a paid agitator. …More
Preferences: Trump is not popular in the Vatican or with Boston Cardinal O’Malley.


Follow the money!

According to their financial statement for 2014, the latest year for which figures are available, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops received over $79 million in government grants to provide benefits to refugees. The Church facilitates this foreign invasion as a paid agitator. However, Trump wants to build a wall and keep illegal aliens out by simply enforcing the laws that are on the books. Fewer illegals means less money from the Gov. going to O'Malley and his pals in the USCCB.

The more serious problem in the Catholic Church is that it is hemorrhaging members which means less money in the collection basket from ordinary Catholics to say nothing of the embarrassment of a Church that has its priories backwards. How does the Church respond? What is one of the most pressing issues in the Church today? Is it Islamic terrorism and murderous atrocities committed against Christians and in cities around the world? No! It appears that one of the most critical controversies plaguing the Catholic Church today is in which direction the celebrant faces during mass. Why not simply face Mecca and make everybody happy? Will our clerics ever learn?


Something Missing: He (Vice Presidential nominee Mike Pence) explained to CBN that his Catholic upbringing, attending the Novus Ordo six days a week, left him with a sense of something missing.


How many tens of millions of former Catholics have had the exact same feelings. Will our clerics ever learn?


Abomination: homo sex march called by rabbis"parade of abomination." Whereas in the States we have cardinals, bishops and priests who actually participate in such 'abominations.' Will our clerics ever learn?


p.s. It appears that Mother Gloria has gained a few kilos. Perhaps she should go on the pope's diet of fewer brownies and less pasta? And don't forget about a daily walk to keep those legs in shape and for her overall well being? 👌 🤗
Francesco Federico
Il est normal que le Vatican, dans l'obéissance à la volonté de Bergoglio, préfère un candidat pro-avortement au lieu d'un candidat anti-avortement.
Pannella docet:
L'incredibile elogio funebre del Vaticano a Pannella !More
Il est normal que le Vatican, dans l'obéissance à la volonté de Bergoglio, préfère un candidat pro-avortement au lieu d'un candidat anti-avortement.
Pannella docet:

L'incredibile elogio funebre del Vaticano a Pannella !