
African Bishop Contradicts Francis’ Claim

“Oriental religions are a form of true paganism” said Burkina Faso Bishop Basile Tapsoba, 75, when asked what he thinks about Pope Francis’ claim that the words of Buddha can be a guide for Christians.

Talking to La Fede Quotidiana Tapsoba confirmed that “the religion of Buddha and all oriental religions are not compatible with Christianity.”

He points out that Jesus has said that we cannot have two masters, “Either him or others, one has to choose, a middle way cannot exist.”

Picture: Basile Tapsoba, #newsMvrrlztrhe
Católicos Apostólicos
😡 “Life of Buddha”: Bergoglio gifts Manuscript celebrating Paganism to President of Myanmar www.youtube.com/watch
Thank you, Bishop Basile, for setting Francis straight.
Joseph a' Christian
Amen. Almighty God bless this Shepherd, to keep proclaiming the Truth.
Jesus stated, a man who hears His Holy Words and lives by them, is like the man who built his house upon rock, and when the storms came and battered his house, it stood strong.
Jesus Is Life.
Buddhism, hinduism... are death.
its like this pope doesnt get it ,and he tries to push his herisies on everybody else
Thats the way to tell him , today african catholics are living the True evangelization --,europe and north america living the true paganism