
Did Cardinal Re Confront Pope Francis?

Marco Tosatti wrote in early December that “a cardinal of great renown, a former diplomat, with an important curriculum at the head of Congregations and important offices in the Secretariat of State”…More
Marco Tosatti wrote in early December that “a cardinal of great renown, a former diplomat, with an important curriculum at the head of Congregations and important offices in the Secretariat of State” who in 2013 voted for Bergoglio, reproached Francis for his reckless undermining of Catholic doctrine.
During a meeting with Francis the cardinal said in essence: “We elected you to make reforms, not to shatter everything.” The discussion became known because the two started raising their voices.
Gloria.tv believed that it was Cardinal Leonardo Sandri. According to Il Giornale it was instead Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, 83, the liberal vice dean of the College of Cardinals.
Picture: Giovanni Battista Re, © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsDilygqsnbf
I guess he listens Cardinal Kasper more