
Archdiocese of Washington caught unawares

Sister Mary Berchmans

The Archdiocese of Washington has said no more than that they were unaware of Sister Mary Berchman's publication, brazenly defying church teaching, until after printing and distribution.

Sister Berchmans decided to publish notification of same-sex unions in the alumni magazine of Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, "after much prayerful consideration and thoughtful dialogue".

In her community letter, Sister Berchmans said the school faced a choice between focusing on church teachings on same-sex marriage or focusing on the Gospel commandment of love.

In response, (courageous, faithful) Father Filardi rebuked Sister Berchmans through a letter published in his parish bulletin.
Thanks for your example homoheretic mccarrick all his buddies in the vatican. Thanks francis. St Anthony, hammer of heretics pray for us.
There is a remarkably easy solution for the Church here. Denounce the teachings, excommunicate the heretical clerics, annnnnd... strip them of all financial support. That last one is critical..
Sister Berchmans will be the president of a "catholic" school publicly refuted by the Archdiocese of Washington as being heretical and not in communion with The Catholic Church. Many Catholic families who …More
There is a remarkably easy solution for the Church here. Denounce the teachings, excommunicate the heretical clerics, annnnnd... strip them of all financial support. That last one is critical..

Sister Berchmans will be the president of a "catholic" school publicly refuted by the Archdiocese of Washington as being heretical and not in communion with The Catholic Church. Many Catholic families who take their faith seriously will withdraw their students. "Sister" Berchmans and her followers will be forced to live entirely on the profits of their remaining enrollees with zero outside stipends from the Diocese.

Faced with the brutal realities of actually working for a living like the rest of us, it won't take more than a year before this worthy nun, has a "miraculous" visitation from some celestial messenger and tearfully recants her false beliefs.
I'm certain the Archdiocese of Washington was "unaware" of such heresy getting publicly published. They've been "unaware" of decades of child-abuse by their priests even after being repeatedly alerted to it by generations of outraged parents and the grown-up children themselves.
"Loving" them straight to hell.
Holy Cannoli
Priest to prep school head: Don’t publish same-sex unions in alumni magazine
Priest to prep school head: Don’t publish same-sex unions in alumni magazine

This article is where I got the source for the above. This author at lifesitenews lives in my neighborhood.
Don Reto Nay
Oh, Sister Berchmans believes that correcting a sinner is "against love" and, consequently, letting him go to hell is an expression of love. She is confused.