
US Nuncio: Catholic Websites Have Big Audience

There is "no great divide" between American Catholics and Francis, Cardinal Christophe Pierre, 77, Francis’ nuncio to the US, told CruxNow.com (September 30). Seeking to play down the massive criticism …More
There is "no great divide" between American Catholics and Francis, Cardinal Christophe Pierre, 77, Francis’ nuncio to the US, told CruxNow.com (September 30).
Seeking to play down the massive criticism of Francis, he asks that the American Church not be reduced to a "group of conservatives".
“They are very, very noisy, they are a network of blogs, and they all talk together, but in reality, they represent just a small group”. Pierre is right because the largest group among US "Catholics" are the indifferent and the lukewarm who are not interested in Francis or in anything else.
Picture: Christophe Pierre © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsTlptgdptzv
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Why would he censor the great Archbishop Vigano?
Cassandra Laments
Text of censored speech at Associazione EXSURGE DOMINE 230930-cic-eng/
Cassandra Laments
Matt explanation on his twitter feed.
True Mass
M Matt does cancel culture?
Cassandra Laments
The Remnant and other sites delete posts and also bans posters who disagree with them. It appears +Vigano has now fallen foul of this policy. Ironically, I have many issues with some of the Archbishop's political ideas and it is disagreement with them that often gets me banned, but I find it appalling that this has been done. The speech was apparently just cancelled 'from the roster'. How many people …More
The Remnant and other sites delete posts and also bans posters who disagree with them. It appears +Vigano has now fallen foul of this policy. Ironically, I have many issues with some of the Archbishop's political ideas and it is disagreement with them that often gets me banned, but I find it appalling that this has been done. The speech was apparently just cancelled 'from the roster'. How many people paid to hear him?
@Cassandra Laments It seems to me that certain assumed Traditionalists are not showing sufficient respect to an extremely brave Archbishop who is standing in Persona Christi. He is not a liberal, fake Bishop. He is a sterling, Orthodox and extremely brave Archbishop, willing to lay down his life to defend Our Lord's Honour and His people.
It is an odd thing, I normally watch The Remnant broadcast,…More
@Cassandra Laments It seems to me that certain assumed Traditionalists are not showing sufficient respect to an extremely brave Archbishop who is standing in Persona Christi. He is not a liberal, fake Bishop. He is a sterling, Orthodox and extremely brave Archbishop, willing to lay down his life to defend Our Lord's Honour and His people.
It is an odd thing, I normally watch The Remnant broadcast, yet I stopped watching it a week or so ago for no reason other than I found that I didn't really want to watch it.. Having seen this report which seems to suggest that lay men are forgetting the respect due to a Archbishop who defends Our Lord, Defends His Commandments and has shepherded literally millions of sheep - I am stricken with embarrassment for them. He is a true Shepherd and they clearly forget they owe him their support and their respect. They clearly forget also that his authority truly exceeds their own! It is terrible arrogance that they actually dare to believe a Holy Archbishop, a friend of Christ should be silenced when he is preaching to the Sheep in Christ's Place.. What a terrible thing I have just read here. Awful.
Cassandra Laments
@Caroline03 A one sentence post directing people to go to Barnhardt's site (Vigano speech available there) was left on The Remnant. It has now been deleted by the Remnant. Barnhardt's site is well known (people can choose whether they use it or not) so it seems to me that the only reason to delete that post is to discourage more people listening to Vigano. Or perhaps they don't like their faithful …More
@Caroline03 A one sentence post directing people to go to Barnhardt's site (Vigano speech available there) was left on The Remnant. It has now been deleted by the Remnant. Barnhardt's site is well known (people can choose whether they use it or not) so it seems to me that the only reason to delete that post is to discourage more people listening to Vigano. Or perhaps they don't like their faithful to read other opinions on this matter. I find Matt's 'explanation' video pathetic.
@Cassandra Laments Hi Cassandra, Archbishop Vigano has more authority than ANY of us to accuse somebody who calls himself "Pope" of bad behaviour. He has more right than I do, than Michael Matt, than a Priest. He is anointed and Consecrated to Preach and Train the Faithful.
True Mass
CIC censored Vigano?!? Only AB is reporting so far. Matt has some splaining to do. Spread word far and wide. See Vigano speech on his Twitter.