
General Audience: Francis Blames His Public

We cannot expect to continue "to grow on a material level," without taking care of our "common home", Francis told a bored public during his September 16 General Audience.

He expressed his belief that "the poor" and “our mother earth" lament for the damage and injustice "we have caused.”

Francis asked for a "conversion" that doesn't regard Christ but "taking care of the earth," and urged his public to do penance to repair the evil "we have done" to "indigenous peoples."


Francis is as hung up on his environmental agenda as Jimmy is with his sedevacantist propaganda. The big question is which of the two is crazier? Believe it or not, I'm actually betting on Francis. :D
Benedict says otherwise, starting with the name and ending with the claim.
...and no, I didn't plan that catchy little jingle, either. :D
Your own source contradicts you. :D First sentence. Five years ago, Pope Benedict XVI (91) resigned.. Followed by "written by the retired Pope" Followed by a direct quote from Benedict himself "I can very well understand the deep-seated pain that the end of my papacy has inflicted on you and many others." and "an anger that no longer merely concerns my resignation"
Attaboy. Jimmy! Protip:…More
Your own source contradicts you. :D First sentence. Five years ago, Pope Benedict XVI (91) resigned.. Followed by "written by the retired Pope" Followed by a direct quote from Benedict himself "I can very well understand the deep-seated pain that the end of my papacy has inflicted on you and many others." and "an anger that no longer merely concerns my resignation"

Attaboy. Jimmy! Protip: Next time do a better job with the photo-shopping. You accidentally whited over his signature. Gotcha!
pic related.
5 more comments from Ultraviolet
"It's so obvious you support a sodomite communist..."
Actually, it's so obvious you just got caught fakin' a photo to support your claim. :D
"From your excusing everything he says as a "mistake"...
Another lie. I criticize them as errors. That's a canonical term. This kind of rhetoric is where you excel. They're lies, more lies, and then presented as if they're a given. I hereby dub them... "…More
"It's so obvious you support a sodomite communist..."

Actually, it's so obvious you just got caught fakin' a photo to support your claim. :D

"From your excusing everything he says as a "mistake"...

Another lie. I criticize them as errors. That's a canonical term. This kind of rhetoric is where you excel. They're lies, more lies, and then presented as if they're a given. I hereby dub them... "Jimmies". And you sprinkle your "Jimmies" all over your posts.
"Benedict XVI wrote in the letters that he gave his Apostolic Blessing."
...that moment when you realize the word "blessing" doesn't appear in the article at all.
More artificial Jimmies!
"So the picture in the article shows that blessing."
Actually, the photo shows a very tightly scrawled signature. A signature is not a blessing.
And you can't read German. Again, you're just adding more "…More
"Benedict XVI wrote in the letters that he gave his Apostolic Blessing."

...that moment when you realize the word "blessing" doesn't appear in the article at all.

More artificial Jimmies!

"So the picture in the article shows that blessing."

Actually, the photo shows a very tightly scrawled signature. A signature is not a blessing.

And you can't read German. Again, you're just adding more "Jimmies". The article directly contradicts you.

"If he's not pope, he can't give the blessing."


From wiki.

Within his own diocese, a bishop may impart the Apostolic Blessing three times a year on solemn feasts. The same holds, within their territories, for non-bishop prelates (such as an apostolic prefect) recognized by canon law as juridically equivalent to diocesan bishops. In exceptional circumstances, they can impart it also on other occasions.

So, again, yer wrong, Jimbo. :D

"The picture I attached shows the Secretary of State calling Benedict XVI "His Holiness".

The Secretary of State is not Benedict. The Secretary of State can call Benedict whatever he pleases, just like you do. Benedict didn't even sign the letter. That (photoshopped) promotional photo isn't dated. either. It could have been signed years ago.

You should have thought of that before goofing around with MS-Paint. :P

"So, if B16 resigned he wouldn't be "his holiness" and he wouldn't be giving out the papal blessing."

Benedict didn't sign the photo "His Holiness".

"All you did is prove your inability to read."

See my last point. Gotta love the irony. :D
"it's not a fake photo." @JamesMichaelYerian
More of Jimmy's Big Mouth, boldly claimed and unsupported.
Protip: I only just pointed out where the signature got "fudged" in the photo. .
"I wouldn't know how."
Sure, Jimmy. You're one of the few people stupid enough to claim incompetence as a defense for an incompetently photo-shopped photo. ;-)
"And sorry, the pope is not in error, since he promotes …More
"it's not a fake photo." @JamesMichaelYerian

More of Jimmy's Big Mouth, boldly claimed and unsupported.

Protip: I only just pointed out where the signature got "fudged" in the photo. .

"I wouldn't know how."

Sure, Jimmy. You're one of the few people stupid enough to claim incompetence as a defense for an incompetently photo-shopped photo. ;-)

"And sorry, the pope is not in error, since he promotes those beliefs. He is a heretic."

According to Canon Law? No. These are more "Jimmies". Artificially Flavored and scattered all over your posts.

Time to sweep 'em up with some Copy Pasta.

Heresy and error are two different things. A Pope may err, everything a Pope states is not automatically infallible. Heresy, as the Church defines it in Canon Law 751, is "an obstinate denial or obstinate doubt after the reception of baptism of some truth which is to be believed by divine and Catholic faith; "

Obstinacy shows a deliberate course of action, i.e. "stubbornly adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion."

In this context, the term shows that
a.) the accused heretic has expressed a view
b.) The Church has disgreed with that view as contrary to its teachings.
c.) The Church has attempted to correct the accused heretic
d.) the accused heretic has opposed that correction by the Church.

Regarding Pope Francis,
a.) has happened.
b.)-d.) have not.

You aren't qualified to represent The Church in doing b.-d., not in law or in fact. Neither is some blogger.

Your opinion that the Pope doubts or denies a truth taught by the Church to be divine is not an objective fact. Likewise, your opinion that his supposed doubt or denial is maintained in an obstinate manner is also an opinion. You haven't shown The Church has attempted to correct it and failed. So your claim has no support.

A more relevant question in light of a charge of heresy is this: who has the temporal authority to represent the Church when attempting to correct the supposed errors of the Church's highest temporal authority?
"So we've established... "and we have Bergolio's own words proving..."
How nice. It's been awhile since you dug up your old stand-by of using the past tense to introduce something you didn't do. Bad rhetoric, desperately delivered. It's the classic "fake summary".
"You actually seem to be making the case that Bergolio is the incomparable."
No. It may "seem" that way to you, but that's only …More
"So we've established... "and we have Bergolio's own words proving..."

How nice. It's been awhile since you dug up your old stand-by of using the past tense to introduce something you didn't do. Bad rhetoric, desperately delivered. It's the classic "fake summary".

"You actually seem to be making the case that Bergolio is the incomparable."

No. It may "seem" that way to you, but that's only because you are an idiot. And a liar. And using "seem" to make an implied straw-man fallacy.

"You believe in Bergolio..."
"You believe Bergolio...."

...and how many times have I told you otherwise?. ;-) ...and here we are again... :P

Looks like the Jimmy The Psychic Robot is stuck on replay, doesn't it? "You believe..." *click* "You believe..." *click*

Pic related.
"You keep projecting" Pic related, Dr. Jimmy. :D