
FSSP Priest Attacks FSSP Priest: “Our Bishops Are Better Catholics Than We Are”

Father James Fryar who runs the Los Angeles parish of the Fraternity of St Peter was “shocked” that his confrere, Father Daniel Nolan, called on his faithful to disobey the mask orders of their bishops.

Fryar called masks in a recent “Thought for Sunday” (below) a “trivial matter” comparable to speed limits adding that “we should obey the bishop in all things he requests other than sin.”

For him denying Christ or the Mass would be “a battle to fight” and even “a battle to die for.” Nevertheless, Fryar obeyed all coronavirus restrictions and stopped public Mass during the coronavirus curfew.

He believes that “our bishops don’t hate us,” and that “they are better Catholics than we are.”

For him, the occasion when we should disobey a bishop because he is telling us to commit a sin is so rare, "that it probably would never happen in our lifetimes.”

Picture: James Fryar, Daniel Nolan, #newsIihxppjdlf

Arthur McGowan
"...that it probably would never happen in our lifetimes." Fr. Fryar is voluntarily living in a dream world. Everyone knows the story of Fr. Marcel Guarnizo, who was suspended and expelled from the Archdiocese of Washington by Cardinal Wuerl, for denying Communion to a "lesbian Buddhist." Every Sunday, countless priests give Communion to pro-abortion politicians, some in violation of their own …More
"...that it probably would never happen in our lifetimes." Fr. Fryar is voluntarily living in a dream world. Everyone knows the story of Fr. Marcel Guarnizo, who was suspended and expelled from the Archdiocese of Washington by Cardinal Wuerl, for denying Communion to a "lesbian Buddhist." Every Sunday, countless priests give Communion to pro-abortion politicians, some in violation of their own consciences, because they know their bishop will punish them severely if they obey Canon 915. Bishops are CONSTANTLY demanding that their priests commit mortal sins. But it has become completely normal--such that Fr. Fryar doesn't even notice.
Feast of the Stigmata of St Francis
17th September, A. D. MMXX
Perhaps Fr. Fryar refers to such Great American Catholic bishops as the former Cardinal McCarrick. And his protegées now wrecking the Church.
Or could he mean the rest of the Clerical Homosexual Network Strangling the Church.More
Feast of the Stigmata of St Francis
17th September, A. D. MMXX

Perhaps Fr. Fryar refers to such Great American Catholic bishops as the former Cardinal McCarrick. And his protegées now wrecking the Church.

Or could he mean the rest of the Clerical Homosexual Network Strangling the Church.
F M Shyanguya
This is useful: CCC > Index > O > Obedience
F M Shyanguya
For the studious:
Catholic Encyclopedia > Summa Theologiae > Second Part of the Second Part > Question 104More
For the studious:

Catholic Encyclopedia > Summa Theologiae > Second Part of the Second Part > Question 104
cf. also CCC > H > homosexuality, especially in its original more perverted wording (changed some years later after the Ratzinger's intervention).
F M Shyanguya
Fr Fryar must want to be like that French Francis appointee who offers TLM, tho that's more a practical need in France. Tradition is quite strong there, and money is money for Frank
Arthur McGowan
I don't think Bergoglio needs money. He gets $2 Billion a year from Red China. I think it's his Peronism. "Oh! He's so conserrrrrvative! He allows the TLM!"
Gesù è con noi
The infidel James Fryar does not serve Jesus Christ but the Marxist apostate gay activists like José Gómez. James Fryar is a blind guide.
comfort ye
Fr. did not say to obey sinful directives, but to obey in this civil matter "as you would speed limit laws". which is not a strict obedience. He is a holy priest, just speaking to his flock and trying to inculcate them with the traditional Catholic value of obedience to superiors. The headline of this is false, you can see he did not even mention the name of the priest who preached disobedience, …More
Fr. did not say to obey sinful directives, but to obey in this civil matter "as you would speed limit laws". which is not a strict obedience. He is a holy priest, just speaking to his flock and trying to inculcate them with the traditional Catholic value of obedience to superiors. The headline of this is false, you can see he did not even mention the name of the priest who preached disobedience, and someone took this parish bulletin and plastered it up as news.
comfort ye
That's good! Keep it in the family! 😂 😂 😂 😂
Archbishop Lefebvre refused to say the Novus Ordo Missae even though it had been imposed upon the Church from the Pope on down. And he demanded that all his priests had to say the Old Mass exclusively. Was that Archbishop, whom at least one Cardinal is saying will some day be declared a Doctor of the Church, being disobedient by refusing to celebrate the New Mass and ordering that his Priests also …More
Archbishop Lefebvre refused to say the Novus Ordo Missae even though it had been imposed upon the Church from the Pope on down. And he demanded that all his priests had to say the Old Mass exclusively. Was that Archbishop, whom at least one Cardinal is saying will some day be declared a Doctor of the Church, being disobedient by refusing to celebrate the New Mass and ordering that his Priests also disobey the Church by demanding that they say the traditional Mass exclusively?
When the purpose of a law is evil, whether it regards the destruction of the Church or whether it regards the destruction of one's Country, there can be no disobedience in refusing to "obey" such a law; it is an illegitimate law.
Obey God or Hierarchy? Fr. Fryar try to smooch...
"When the purpose of a law is evil..." you're impugning motives, absent factual evidence for the claim.
"whom at least one Cardinal is saying will some day be declared a Doctor of the Church". Your Fallacy Is..More
"When the purpose of a law is evil..." you're impugning motives, absent factual evidence for the claim.

"whom at least one Cardinal is saying will some day be declared a Doctor of the Church". Your Fallacy Is..
Fr Fryar should review his Aquinas ...
Yes. "An unjust law is no law." Cf. Summa Theologiae Articles 90-94 2d Part of the 2d Par.
Roberto 55
The problem is, that lay people don't need to listen a bishop (even pope) in trivial matters like wearing masks. People have their own brains and don't need bishop's advice, especially if they are submissive to lies of the world. It's like prescribing us, what we should eat for breakfast. Fr. Nolan is ok. Fr. Fryar can be "shocked" forever...
comfort ye
Now that's a valid point! 😷 😷
Watch Fr Altier, parish priest of St. Raphael’s in Crystal, Minnesota, (Father Altier blasts ‘new normal’ of COVID-19 regime as ‘evil’):
“There’s nothing normal about it. It is not normal for human beings to be six feet apart from one another. It’s not normal for human beings to be covering their face when they try and talk to somebody,” he said.
“It is not normal for us to be locking ourselves …More
Watch Fr Altier, parish priest of St. Raphael’s in Crystal, Minnesota, (Father Altier blasts ‘new normal’ of COVID-19 regime as ‘evil’):

“There’s nothing normal about it. It is not normal for human beings to be six feet apart from one another. It’s not normal for human beings to be covering their face when they try and talk to somebody,” he said.

“It is not normal for us to be locking ourselves in the house for months at a time. It is not normal for us to be acting the way that we are because of what’s going on.”

“the new normal” Americans are being asked to accept is for Altier diabolically inspired.

It “has nothing to do with God, and it has nothing to do with humanity. Well, that doesn’t leave a whole lot of options then, does it? Where do we think it’s really coming from?” he questioned.

“It is evil. Let’s be clear what it is. It is evil,” added Altier.

“Who is interested in causing division? Not God. Who is interested in violating your dignity as a human person? Not God. So the options are fairly limited as to where all this is coming from ultimately. It should be pretty blatant.”
NWO uses Lock down that is the best way to destroy RCC (abolish the mass.)
Fr. Altier: “Who is interested in causing division? Not God."
This is a factual error, because God has already decreed the enmity between the offspring of the Woman and the offspring of Satan in the Garden of Eden. Now there is an accelerated polarization of attitudes: who is with God and who is with Satan. The division between God's children and the children of Satan is more and more evident. This …More
Fr. Altier: “Who is interested in causing division? Not God."
This is a factual error, because God has already decreed the enmity between the offspring of the Woman and the offspring of Satan in the Garden of Eden. Now there is an accelerated polarization of attitudes: who is with God and who is with Satan. The division between God's children and the children of Satan is more and more evident. This radical separation of these populations makes sense because of the disclosure of the elect for God's Kingdom on earth.
F M Shyanguya
“Who is interested in causing division? Not God."
Fr had context.More
“Who is interested in causing division? Not God."

Fr had context.