Who was more impactful?

Today is the "memorial of "saint" Paul Vi on the Novus Ordo calendar. Our priest waxed eloquently on him at Mass today 😲 It got me thinking, compared to Francis - who has caused more damage to the Church?

English Catholic
I read this book on Paul VI before his beatification. It claimed on the cover to have stopped the beatification process (obviously, it didn't). There is some quite disturbing stuff in it. I would be grateful for opinions and comments from those who have already read the book, or have started reading it. No hurry, it's 327 pages. chiesaviva.com/paoloVI beatoin.pdf
Denis Efimov
Thank you very much for the book! This is a good account of his errors.
Father Karl A Claver
Only John Paul I and Benedict XVI were responsible for little or no major damage to the Church.
It's indisputable: Pope Paul VI was the worst nightmare that the Church has ever experienced in living memory. He was the arsonist that ignited the blazing, all-consuming firestorm we continue to suffer from and fight against to this very day — in every domain of the Church's life, bar none. It was Paul VI who unleashed the monsters from the abyss upon the Spouse of Christ, and watched impotently …More
It's indisputable: Pope Paul VI was the worst nightmare that the Church has ever experienced in living memory. He was the arsonist that ignited the blazing, all-consuming firestorm we continue to suffer from and fight against to this very day — in every domain of the Church's life, bar none. It was Paul VI who unleashed the monsters from the abyss upon the Spouse of Christ, and watched impotently as the creatures he gave life to seized her in their rabid, ravenous, dagger-toothed, froth-filled maws, seeking to tear her flesh and rend her apart limb from limb, and swallow whole that which was left. Without doubt or question, it was Paul VI who did the most irreparable, unrecoverable and incalculable damage to the Church, the agonizing effects of which have tortured generations of the Faithful from his own Pontificate to the current one. Francis is his scion, who came forth from his ideological and theological loins and carries his spiritual DNA, and is only enacting upon the edicts of destruction Paul VI approved and mandated for the Church, which Francis has embraced and advanced as his own, seeing his task as a continuation of Paul VI's work, and striving mightily to progress it to its ultimate conclusion.

Number #2 on my list would be Pope John XXIII, who, under the auspices of Satan and his collaborating minions, conceived the false need for an Ecumenical Council in the first place, the convoking of which created the incubating environment for the seeds of diabolical madness that was birthed out of the heart of its many and varied sessions; seeds which matured into heresy and apostasy, and brought forth a brimming harvest of iniquity and rebellion. It is clear then, that these 3 Roman Pontiffs have been, and remain, the primary instruments of Lucifer in the fulfillment of his lust to overcome and obliterate the Church, and are the chief ones who have played the preeminent role in the ongoing attempts to coerce the Church onto the Road of Perdition. Therefore, we must conclude that the gaping hole in the center of the hull of Saint Peter's Barque, through which the dark, muddy, unclean waters of evil and abomination now gush explosively, threatening to capsize the ship and jeopardizing the immortal souls of all on board, was created on this wise: John XXIII conceptualized and sketched out the location for the hole, Paul VI supplied the tools to form it, and now Francis has taken up those tools and punched the monstrous hole straight through to the sea.

And so, because of the dire, deadly predicament we find ourselves in today, ONLY the Master of the sea Himself can save us. For ONLY He can calm the sea, heal and seal the ship's breach, and raise up unto us a holy, faithful Captain again, to lead us through clean, clear waters to the Heavenly shores of Salvation. May it please God to make it so.
chris griffin
@Boanerges Boanerges...the only reason he would not do what you say is that he is addicted to the riches, pomp and circumstances of the Vatican. He lives a very easy life and he doesn't want to lose it if he took Jesus out of the Church,
The floodgates of the homo's into the Chruch were opened by Paul VI. Impossible that he is a saint.
All Saints
Of course he was no saint. Neither John XXlll or JPll. Pass through the fires of a Devil’s Advocate and THEN you can be a Saint. Until then…we pray that you at least escaped Hell.
Denis Efimov
Paul VI approved the documents of the Second Vatican Council. He also stated that from now on everyone must be transformed into the “image of the Conciliar Church.”
Boanerges Boanerges
You really think Bergoglio is not going to attack the liturgy? He is saving that for the end. Why he is planning to completely take Jesus out of the Church. His final goal is the Real Presence. Anyways, the level of apostasy already achieved by Bergoglio cannot be even compared to Paul VI times.
John A Cassani
He may attack the liturgy. He has, in many ways. But, it was Paul VI who promulgated a new Rite which was completely unmoored from tradition, and who, effectively, forbid the TLM to all but elderly priests to celebrate in private.
Tomito Barnin Railin
If you allow me to give my opinion, I believe that both pontificates cannot be compared. Many will say, using logic, that Francis is worse, and will affirm that Paul VI, despite the damage he caused in other aspects such as the liturgical aspect, with his encyclicals "Sacerdotalis caelibatus" and "Humanae vitae" had positive things that cannot be extract from the current pontificate. I, in my …More
If you allow me to give my opinion, I believe that both pontificates cannot be compared. Many will say, using logic, that Francis is worse, and will affirm that Paul VI, despite the damage he caused in other aspects such as the liturgical aspect, with his encyclicals "Sacerdotalis caelibatus" and "Humanae vitae" had positive things that cannot be extract from the current pontificate. I, in my ignorance, am not so sure. I ask the question: if Bergoglio had been elected pope in 1963, would he have gone as far as he has today? If Montini had been elected pope in 2013, what would his pontificate have been like? I believe that both pontificates have been disastrous and did a lot of damage to the Church in their own way and in their context. The difference is that Paul VI's successors tried to restore the damage, who knows what will happen to Francis' successors.
John A Cassani
It has to be Paul VI. He presided of the destruction of the liturgy. He appointed so many heretical bishops. By 2013, the Church barely even resembled what it was in 1963.