
Many Did Not Sign Due to Fear of Reprisals

There are “many, many people” who agree with the “filial correction” but do not sign out of fear, reports Professor Claudio Pierantoni, one of the signatories, talking to lifesitenews.com. He has …More
There are “many, many people” who agree with the “filial correction” but do not sign out of fear, reports Professor Claudio Pierantoni, one of the signatories, talking to lifesitenews.com. He has heard from several people in Catholic institutions who have been directly threatened that they would “lose their position” if they would sign.
Pierantoni sent the text personally to ten people, “seven out of ten told me they didn’t want to sign it out of fear of reprisals.” A few were not ready to make a direct correction of Francis, although they agreed with the content.
Picture: Claudio Pierantoni, Universidad de los Andes, #newsSydfkkeixy
From Pierantoni's interview:
"in Modernism there is a deep philosophical problem about the idea of God himself...God is conceived as changeable... If God is changing with reality, then you have a problem with the very notion of God, & nowadays this is a very strong school of thought"More
From Pierantoni's interview:

"in Modernism there is a deep philosophical problem about the idea of God himself...God is conceived as changeable... If God is changing with reality, then you have a problem with the very notion of God, & nowadays this is a very strong school of thought"
Martires through the ages have lost their lives for truth ,today in a selfish world where clergy tell us that we have to be brave they are afraid to stand for errors that cause heresies and confusion in the church ,Did they forget that our Lord said stand for Truth and it will set you free ?