BREAKING: Bergoglio personally removes America’s Bishop Joseph Strickland

In removing Bishop Strickland from the Diocese of Tyler, Texas, Bergoglio has canceled one of the most faithful, forthright and vocal bishops in the United States. Bergoglio has removed Bishop Joseph …More
In removing Bishop Strickland from the Diocese of Tyler, Texas, Bergoglio has canceled one of the most faithful, forthright and vocal bishops in the United States.
Bergoglio has removed Bishop Joseph Strickland from his role of shepherd and bishop of the Diocese of Tyler, Texas.
The shock announcement came via the Holy See’s daily bulletin, November 11. It stated simply:
The Holy Father has relieved from the pastoral governance of the Diocese of Tyler (U.S.A.) H.E. Msgr. Joseph E. Strickland and appointed the Bishop of Austin, H.E. Msgr. Joe Vásquez, [Bishop of Austin] as the Apostolic Administrator of the vacated diocese.
Bishop Strickland had been formally asked to resign by Pope Francis, in a request that came via the papal nuncio Cardinal Cristophe Pierre. Strickland declined this request, but now – upon the direct order of the Pope – is vacating his diocesan see.
Per Canon 416, a diocesan see is normally made vacant by the bishop resigning, transferring, dying, or having a “privation …More
Jeffrey Ade
I bet he will appeal to the USCB and they will veto Bergolio's letter!
Why was he removed?!
Vincent Capuano
The wealth of a diocese is not in contributions but in property. Under American law the bishop is the sole owner! Bishop Strickland could cause all sorts of problems for Rome.
Jeffrey Ade
It used to be the wealth of a diocese was in the Catholic Faith and the Sacraments. My how things have changed! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Bad move, Bergoglio. Now you've made more enemies than you can count. USA Catholics in Tyler and elsewhere should retaliate by stopping their contributions to the Church, especially "Peter's Pence", and stop going to the local Novus Ordo in parishes...but rather go to SSPX and other traditional Catholic parishes.
This is what happens, when faithful Catholics just sit back and let an evil Pope and …More
Bad move, Bergoglio. Now you've made more enemies than you can count. USA Catholics in Tyler and elsewhere should retaliate by stopping their contributions to the Church, especially "Peter's Pence", and stop going to the local Novus Ordo in parishes...but rather go to SSPX and other traditional Catholic parishes.
This is what happens, when faithful Catholics just sit back and let an evil Pope and his legions of homos do as they please and wreck the Church.
I don't know any other religion that would allow it's leaders to destroy the Faith, and do nothing to stop them.
I have nothing but contempt for the rest of the USA bishops, who will probably cower in fear, say nothing, and just bow their heads and say "Yes, Holy Father. Whatever you say is right, is right, Holy Father"
"The Pope can do no wrong" Papalotrists are ruining the Catholic Church.
Their belief may be valid only when a Pope is faithful to the traditions of the Church, not when he and his people are apostate.heretical homosexuals.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
G.D. Pope Francis, you apostate,heretic and queer. It won't be long before you are removed as well.