Alberta Premier Jason Kenney answered a question from a viewer during a Facebook livestream regarding ”The Great Reset” that is being promoted by politicians around the world, like Prime Minister Justin …More
Alberta Premier Jason Kenney answered a question from a viewer during a Facebook livestream regarding ”The Great Reset” that is being promoted by politicians around the world, like Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Kenney is definitely not supportive of the notion. Rebel News: Telling the other side of the story. rebelnews.com for more great Rebel content.
Alex A
He's spot on with his comments.
Our Lady of Sorrows
The idea of the great reset exists since a very long time, so it will not be a conspiracy theory that we can speak about a plandemic i.o. a pandemic. Lots of facts are tending in that direction (everything the MSM call conspiracy theories).
Thanks for posting this.
The Great Reset is not a conspiracy theory.
it is a conspiracy practic