
Francis’ “Reform” of the Curia Is Out

Francis has finally published Praedicate Evangelium (PE), the Apostolic Constitution about the Roman Curia (250 articles). Since the Faith is unimportant for Francis, the Vatican Dicastery will no …More
Francis has finally published Praedicate Evangelium (PE), the Apostolic Constitution about the Roman Curia (250 articles).
Since the Faith is unimportant for Francis, the Vatican Dicastery will no longer be the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith as it ought to be but a “Dicastery for Evangelisation” which will be presided by Francis.
It is created from Propaganda Fidei (Cardinal Tagle) and the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelisation (Archbishop Fisichella). To provoke conflict, Tagle and Fisichella will both become pro-prefects, but precedence is given to Fisichella.
The demoted Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith will absorb the Commission for the Protection of Minors.
Most important: The Secretariat of State remains central.
The Elemosineria Apostolica will become the “Department for Charity.”
The Pontifical Council for Culture and the Congregation for Catholic Education are merged.
According to PE clerics and religious at the Roman Curia are appointed only for …More
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This is reminding me of all the catty women and girls I used to work for in a Pharmaceutical company which ultimately went out of business (Thank God). Now I am a literary agent, which I can do from home, and don't have to worry about any "he said/she said" b.s. I remember all too well these women and girls fighting, arguing with each other, and trying to get the few guys in the department in trouble …More
This is reminding me of all the catty women and girls I used to work for in a Pharmaceutical company which ultimately went out of business (Thank God). Now I am a literary agent, which I can do from home, and don't have to worry about any "he said/she said" b.s. I remember all too well these women and girls fighting, arguing with each other, and trying to get the few guys in the department in trouble if they would not accomodate them. One was always whining about not feeling good when it came to doing work she didn't like, and tried to get me to do both the tedious end of my job, and hers as well. When I refused, she tried to sabotage my work....but fortunatly another nice woman saw her do it, and went to HR to complain. Ultimately the culprit was fired, almong with her 3 friends who likewise were always trying to get people they didn't like in trouble. This squabble over comments, and gathering up old posts to lay blame or accusations reminds me of those days 12 years ago when I first started working. Too bad all those girls were not fired....but in the end, the company folded anyway!
@michael newman You favor the false peace that comes from remaining silent in the face of falsehood. Not everyone is that cowardly. BTW... you're not a mind-reader so you don't know what people think or making claims on the subject.
What's "pretty pathetic" is your endless whining with an aim to suppress all discussion on GTV that doesn't meet your standards.
2 more comments from Ultraviolet
No, I'm calling you out as wanna-be policy setter for a site that doesn't belong to you. ...and YOU are engaging in a "running battle" while complaining about them. "At anyone?" Your criticisms are very selective, hypocritical, and often outright false. Like so:
I haven't said anything "aggressively against" you. That is lying. Pointing that out isn't "bullying" or "trolling", either.More
No, I'm calling you out as wanna-be policy setter for a site that doesn't belong to you. ...and YOU are engaging in a "running battle" while complaining about them. "At anyone?" Your criticisms are very selective, hypocritical, and often outright false. Like so:

I haven't said anything "aggressively against" you. That is lying. Pointing that out isn't "bullying" or "trolling", either.
"I think you’re projecting your Aims on GTV." You're the one trying to change GTV to suit YOUR standards of discussion. So, pic related.
@Joey Dix You're using Jimmy's standard "re-write history" tactic. It's shameful you should adopt that obese moron's bad habits, ;-)
"far more credence and canonical and scriptural support"
This is Jimmy's "referral" tactic. He refers to "support" he doesn't have and doesn't exist. The few times he ever "manned up" and actually cited something, I produced big refutation post discrediting him. …More
@Joey Dix You're using Jimmy's standard "re-write history" tactic. It's shameful you should adopt that obese moron's bad habits, ;-)

"far more credence and canonical and scriptural support"

This is Jimmy's "referral" tactic. He refers to "support" he doesn't have and doesn't exist. The few times he ever "manned up" and actually cited something, I produced big refutation post discrediting him. Seems those bad habits of Jimmy's are catching. Fancy that!

"YOu're nothing but fake."

You'd weep if I told you how many sock-puppet accounts Mr. Yerian runs around here, Joey.

"THIS IS NOT YOUR SITE. I got "banned" because of people like you and for far less. "

You've been banned??? What? I'm baffled, Joey. Who ARE you exactly? SURELY not some pathetic mouth-breather from Ohio who's been banned more times than I can count. Surely not some miserable man-child who keeps creating more sock-puppet account to avoid those bans and now, also to agree with himself under different names.

SURELY not "that guy". Say it ain't so! :D

This is not YOUR site. It isn't Ann Barnhardt's site. It isn't E. Michael Jones' site. It isn't Marcel Lefebvre's site, either. Yet some agenda peddlars around here are determined to change that through sheer force of their relentless determination.

"Flash: you and your friend don't have to comment on every single thing."

JImmy makes that mistake as well, How strange. Neither of you understand how GTV's news algorithm works.

"And I"m tired of you and Ultraviolet tag-teaming everyone here."

Here's a suggestion, Joey. (your words): "you don't have to act like a little girl when someone disagrees"

Disagreement is healthy. Other users have a right to disagree with YOU the way you choose to. Likewise, so too is "scrutiny" and "correction". You've loudly defended doing both to justify mocking a fellow user who just happens to be a Catholic priest.
Yes, it is "Blue Ribbon Traditional Catholic Behavior", @Joey Dix Scripture shows Christ Himself called people "vipers," which was exceedingly insulting at that time.
"I'm all for disagreement, but that ain't you: as you just proved."
Go tell that to Our Lord Jesus. He was far more caustic than I am when disagreeing. Besides, I'm mocking Jimmy Yerian's weight, I'm not mocking Mason Trevalho's, …More
Yes, it is "Blue Ribbon Traditional Catholic Behavior", @Joey Dix Scripture shows Christ Himself called people "vipers," which was exceedingly insulting at that time.

"I'm all for disagreement, but that ain't you: as you just proved."

Go tell that to Our Lord Jesus. He was far more caustic than I am when disagreeing. Besides, I'm mocking Jimmy Yerian's weight, I'm not mocking Mason Trevalho's, or Les Crispi's, or Zapp Rowsdowner's, or Benedict Hiersalem's, or yours.

"like the bad Catholic you claim everyone else is."

Fact Check: I don't claim everyone Is a bad Catholic. I don't even claim you are a "bad Catholic". You're a schismatic and a sedevacantist who isn't in communion with the pope. Simply put, you're not a Catholic at all.

So you've told a falsehood and should apologize. :)

"Like how you hijack every single thread? That's your thing."

Another falsehood. I'm the person who's always reminding the agenda peddlars to stay on topic and not to change the subject to their pet agendas.

"You can't handle disagreement, so you go personal."

I give what I get, Joey. Unlike, you I don't whine about it the way you choose to, playing the victim.

"You're unhinged because people are tired of you."

Standard Jimmy tactic: Jimmy the Mind Reader and Self-Appointed GTV spokesman for, in reality, a miniscule bunch of agenda-peddlars.

Why on earth do you keep using that doofus as a role model, Joey? Why, I ask you, why? GTV supplies so many more positive examples of truly exemplary Catholics like @Mathathias Maccabeus :D

"Because you are the worst person on this site."

Get back to me when I'm openly calling for the Pope's death the way Angelo Santelli does. Or constantly pushing anti-Semitic drivel the way Steve D does.

No, what I do is I make you look like a fool and that is how you define "the worst person".

"people like me are far more intelligent and Catholic than you can ever hope to be."

Your modesty is positively overwhelming :D Let me guess... you have a "Master's Degree in English", yes? ;-)

"This is just a web site. And so it doesn't matter what happens to me on here."

I'm glad you're so blase. Unlike Jimmy Yerian who can't stay away from this place no matter how many times he gets banned.

SURELY you won't adopt Jimmy's bad habit of rejoining every time that happens. Not you. ;-)

"And it doesn't matter what some dour little girl thinks of me.

I'm still puzzled why you assume I'm female. Jimmy does too, Funny thing.

But you need some real psychological help.,,, You're everything you project."

Cool story, Dr. Phil.
"No man could ever be with someone like you." @Joey Dix
Why do you assume I'm female, hmmm? ;-) One thing's for certain, no man could ever be with Jimmy Yerian… though I wonder. Truly I do.
He IS at that age when unmarried bachelors resort to the Sin of Sodom, just out of sheer desperation. God only knows what lies he tells his parents when he goes out for some "relief" from another man.
"And …More
"No man could ever be with someone like you." @Joey Dix

Why do you assume I'm female, hmmm? ;-) One thing's for certain, no man could ever be with Jimmy Yerian… though I wonder. Truly I do.

He IS at that age when unmarried bachelors resort to the Sin of Sodom, just out of sheer desperation. God only knows what lies he tells his parents when he goes out for some "relief" from another man.

"And therefore you've dedicated your life to destroying others."

An outright lie. I haven't destroyed you or anyone else. Any problems you have in in life are your own. I don't have to destroy you. I can sit back and let your incompetence destroy yourself.
@Benedict Hierusalem Why do you assume I have access to your IP address? If you're using a VPN, why would it matter? Protip: Zapp Rowsdowner hasn't been banned. ;-)
@Benedict Hierusalem Curious coincidence. You have the same syntax/ idiom use as "Joey Dix". Up next "Zapp Rowsdowner" suddenly appears after a long absence and just to agree with you. Aren't VPNs SO much fun? ;-)
I'm certain you don't. No matter. Next time the opportunity presents itself, be a darling and say hello to Les Crispi and Mason Trevalho for me. It's been simply ages since we all got together for a cuppa. ;-)
Of course Benedict Hierusalem isn't you.Why are you stating the obvious? Neither is Zapp Rowsdowner or Les Crispi or Mason Trevalho or Jimmy Yerian or Michael Yerian. They're all different people. Two of 'em have credit problems. ;-)
One more comment from Ultraviolet
It's simply an observation, Joey. Things need not be flattering to be true. Besides, this is a discussion... We're discussing who is who, who isn't who, and who might be. Tangentially, it's an indictment of the character of a repeatedly banned bottom-feeder running multiple accounts because he's consistently outwitted by one user and,now, outclassed by another.
@michael newman This is my first comment here. I didn't say anything on this post except to reply to your bickering and criticism. It's "sickening" for you, except when YOU do it. I've noted that about your complaints. They're very selective. To date, not once have you EVER taken some of the more obnoxious boors to task for abusing me or baiting an argument.
Nice double standard you've got there …More
@michael newman This is my first comment here. I didn't say anything on this post except to reply to your bickering and criticism. It's "sickening" for you, except when YOU do it. I've noted that about your complaints. They're very selective. To date, not once have you EVER taken some of the more obnoxious boors to task for abusing me or baiting an argument.

Nice double standard you've got there, guy. When Angelo Santelli or Steve D makes sometimes daily nonsensical random attacks against me, for some reason you fall silent. Always. No encouragements to practice charity, no objections of disgust from Michael Newman then, eh? Fair enough. Apply your standards evenly and stay silent. It's the hall-mark of every hypocrite that what is done does not bother them, only who does it.

The main reason there is so much "bickering" on GTV is because a few people here have decided Gloria-TV is their personal recruitment center and propaganda venue for their own personal agenda, invariably contrary to the position of the Catholic Church.

GTV has a rabid anti-Semite preaching the "Gospel According to E. Michael Jones" who blames Jews for every evil even when the "Jew" in question is an atheist, just "Jewish by birth" to quote the Mr. Jones.

That's contrary to everything The Catholic Church formally teaches against racism. Yet not one peep of criticism from you. Not one. Ever. Racism doesn't bother you enough to comment. The non-stop post hijacking and topic-shifting to push that racism doesn't bother you either. Funny thing.

GTV has another equally dedicated sedevacantist relentlessly trying to lead Catholics out of The Church and into their "cult of Saint Lefebvre". They constantly promote falsehoods about their cult, like misrepresenting it as being part of The Catholic Church and teaching false doctrines of disobedience. Every person who joins that cult and formally adheres to the schism damns themself by leaving God's One True Church.

That doesn't bother you. Why aren't you criticizing the efforts of a user trying to accomplish such a spiritually destructive goal?

Lastly, GTV has a sedevacantist and a schismatic, one of those deluded a "Benedict Buddies" who claims the Pope is not the Pope. This particular specimen has been banned easily over a dozen times already since he joined three years ago for for breaking Gloria-TV's rules on a vast range of offenses.

He simply rejoins and continues preaching his falsehoods. "Durr hurr... . heretical antipope Bergoglio, Francis doesn't real, Benedict din't really resign..." even when Benedict has contradicted that to the point the lunatic claims "it don'tt matter what Benedict said".

This is contrary to what The Church teaches about heresy and it is contrary to what The Church teaches about the Papacy. In a word, this is outright schism, Mr. Newman. The same penalty applies. But A user trying to mislead Catholics into schism. doesn't bother you enough to prompt the constant objections and complaints you direct at me.

No, what bothers YOU is when a few staunch traditionalists refute the falsehoods, fact-check the lies, and prevent these warped preachers from making converts to their delusions. Oh dear! Doing that is "utterly disgusting. Now Michael Newman is sickened. That's "bickering" and "abuse". Can't have that!

What's truly sickening Mr. Newman is your willingness to ignore constant daily promotion of false teachings contrary to the Catholic Church. You failed to learn from British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's mistakes. Sometimes "bickering and abuse" are necessary to stop evil. "Peace in our time" isn't accomplished by pandering to evil.

Christ Himself bickered and abused the Pharisees and scribes for their falsehoods. Catholics throughout history have waged war against falsehoods determined to impose themselves on The Church and the Western world. Catholics today fight bitter "running battles" against those who wish to make abortion a universal, taxpayer-funded, on-demand reality.

You have forgotten a truth proven throughout history, one that applies to the "running battles" here on GTV. The price of peace at any cost, is accomodating falsehood and evil in any measure.

Gloria-TV was founded to oppose the spread of falsehood and evil in the world. Sadly, theproverbial "the smoke of Satan" has indeed drifted into this social media portal thanks to the efforts of dedicated agenda-peddlers.

What's "really utterly disgusting" is that anti-Catholic falsehoods don't bother you but a dedicated effort to counter them, instead. does offend your delicate and oh-so-selective sensibilities.

Your do-nothing approach is wonderful for creating harmony! To be sure! It's also the reason why the United Kingdom has turned into a sewer infested by false religions and degenerates of every stripe.

People like you are the reason The Church there is all but extinct. I'm proud to say I'm not like you. I stand up to falsehoods and those who try to impose them, even when you do not.
Those technically aren't "abuse", Matty. GTV's Self-Appointed Official Little Miss Manners, @Michael Newman hasn't seen fit to complain about them. The same applies for the non-stop lies Steve D tells about you, "Durr-hurr, Yerra sock-puppet of UV". Little Miss Manners hasn't complained. Not once. So it isn't "sickening" nor "utterly disgusting" or a "running battle". See how that works? ;-)
Sure you didn't. ;-) @michael newman Those first two sentences were enough for you to "not care" about reading any further. You criticized me unjustly for something you're doing here yourself.
One more comment from Ultraviolet
P.S. It's a comment, not a post and you don't speak for GTV's membership or GTV itself. It's time you realize that. Iz dat "too long" for you, precious? :P
Angelo Santelli
Bergoglio's latest change will be ignored, just as all the prior are.
Ave Crux
@Marta Magdalena Garbarino Amen....and there you have the whole truth and solution in times such as these, along with praying the Holy Rosary daily...! Sister Lucia said in a 1970 letter to a Priest:
"The decadence which exists in the world is without doubt the consequence of the lack of the spirit of prayer. It was in anticipation of this disorientation that the Blessed Virgin recommended recitation …More
@Marta Magdalena Garbarino Amen....and there you have the whole truth and solution in times such as these, along with praying the Holy Rosary daily...! Sister Lucia said in a 1970 letter to a Priest:

"The decadence which exists in the world is without doubt the consequence of the lack of the spirit of prayer. It was in anticipation of this disorientation that the Blessed Virgin recommended recitation of the Rosary with such insistence. It is because the Rosary, after the Holy Mass, is the prayer the most apt for preserving and increasing faith in souls, that the devil has unleashed on it the war that we all know about. And we see, alas, the disasters he has caused."
Ave Crux
The irony and betrayal is unbearable....after disposing of the "Doctrine of the Faith" and its assured preservation, they will now focus on "Evangelisation" by disseminating a muddled, heterodox "faith" which is anything at all they want to teach once they encounter those who need to be evangelized.
"I charge thee, before God and Jesus Christ, who shall judge the living and the dead, by his coming …More
The irony and betrayal is unbearable....after disposing of the "Doctrine of the Faith" and its assured preservation, they will now focus on "Evangelisation" by disseminating a muddled, heterodox "faith" which is anything at all they want to teach once they encounter those who need to be evangelized.

"I charge thee, before God and Jesus Christ, who shall judge the living and the dead, by his coming and his kingdom: Preach the word: be instant in season, out of season: reprove, entreat, rebuke in all patience and doctrine. For there shall be a time when they will not endure sound doctrine but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers having itching ears"
Marta Magdalena Garbarino
Please don’t throw out the baby with the bath water. A very holy Catholic priest once told me to NOT put my trust in any priest, bishop, or even the pope, but to trust the teachings of Jesus whose teachings are in the Catholic Church. Stick with the Cathechism of Trent and attend the Traditional Latin Mass. all the truths of the true Catholic Church are there! This madness has been prophesied and …More
Please don’t throw out the baby with the bath water. A very holy Catholic priest once told me to NOT put my trust in any priest, bishop, or even the pope, but to trust the teachings of Jesus whose teachings are in the Catholic Church. Stick with the Cathechism of Trent and attend the Traditional Latin Mass. all the truths of the true Catholic Church are there! This madness has been prophesied and the One True Church will be a remnant church. Stay the course! You are in my prayers!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
All of this can always be recinded by the next Pope if he's a Catholic.
Jan Joseph
Het Universele Tridentijnse of Romeinse Rooms Katholieke geloof komt nooit meer terug in de Rooms Katholieke kerk. De gelovigen die het Universele Tridentijnse of Romeinse Rooms Katholieke geloof van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie belijden hebben al lang afscheid genomen van paus Franciscus en zijn ketterse Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk.