
Francis’ Circus: Elephant Walks Over Joker Cardinal (Video)

Curia Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, Francis' almoner, invited 2000 homeless, immigrants and refugees to the circus Rony Roller on February 11.

Krajewski volunteered himself in the passaggio della morte letting an elephant walk over him.

He said ahead of the show that it should “give a few hours of serenity to those who measure themselves with a hard life and need help to nourish hope.”


Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I took another look at this picture. Krajewski looks like such a buffoon. Probably because he is one 😂 😂 😂. I also know he's gotten alot of criticism for doing this. Good riddance!
So where does a wise man hide an elephant of the room?
Pavla Liszková shares this
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Maybe Pope Francis will show up next time as ring master, complete with whip and top hat, in his wheelchair of course.
P. O'B
Was the suspense killing him? Now he knows how I feel when a new priest shows up to say Mass.
What a clown!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Krajewski is the typical Pope Francis radical liberal, totally worthless as a Cardinal. He also is a homo lover, finding shelter for male transvestite/transexual homosexual prostitutes late year, and welcoming them into the Vatican were Pope Francis recieved them in warm welcoming audiences at least 3x over the last 2 years. Disgusting. Krajewski is probably gay hmself, to be so pro-homo as he is.…More
Krajewski is the typical Pope Francis radical liberal, totally worthless as a Cardinal. He also is a homo lover, finding shelter for male transvestite/transexual homosexual prostitutes late year, and welcoming them into the Vatican were Pope Francis recieved them in warm welcoming audiences at least 3x over the last 2 years. Disgusting. Krajewski is probably gay hmself, to be so pro-homo as he is. Just like his boss.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori you are 100% right!! Kenjiro!!! I heard..this horrible man dose not saying about Christian Refugees..and all Christian Persecution area..like Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, DR Congo, Uganda, Kenya...and this crazy man dose not saying about radical Leftist area too...like Communist China, North Korea, Nicaragua, Venezuela too....of course Bergoglio is same....so so disgusting …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori you are 100% right!! Kenjiro!!! I heard..this horrible man dose not saying about Christian Refugees..and all Christian Persecution area..like Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, DR Congo, Uganda, Kenya...and this crazy man dose not saying about radical Leftist area too...like Communist China, North Korea, Nicaragua, Venezuela too....of course Bergoglio is same....so so disgusting.....this time..so hard...I think Bergoglio want staying longer to papacy...make me so angry.....Bergoglio and Bergoglian trying destroying to our orthodox teachings....I saw...European Bishops had met talking about Synod....many area of Eastern Europe, and all Orthodox area against to wrong way...but hmm...Cardinal Grech..wrong Cardinal said..going to Forward...it's means don't stop wrong actions....I have a Question...Kenjiro.....what do you think about Abdication to Bergoglio??? I told you.... we don't need any more pray for this crazy Tyrant!! we must saying about Tyrant's Abdication of Bergoglio!!!! I told you...be cause this crazy old man dose not want to retire...want staying much longer...it's terrible way....so I think we need to Abdication!!!! I know...it's really hard...difficult....but we must saying about it...and Orthodox Cardinals, Bishops will have to this action!!!! many talking sorry....our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family...all lovely people...Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us...specially Great Martyrs Saints of Japan and Korea...pray for us...Amen...take care...have a great day..Kenjiro..always I see your comment..very happy..learning a lot..
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Clement Jaeho Chung -Hi Clement- About your question of Bergoglio abdicating/resigning, He himself said he would resign if he became too sick. I don't wish disease or serious illness on anyone, because I'm alittle suspicious that way.....I think if anyone wishes someone ill health or disease, it may backfire instead on them. So unfortunatly, I thnk Bergoglio's in until he dies....or becomes too …More
@Clement Jaeho Chung -Hi Clement- About your question of Bergoglio abdicating/resigning, He himself said he would resign if he became too sick. I don't wish disease or serious illness on anyone, because I'm alittle suspicious that way.....I think if anyone wishes someone ill health or disease, it may backfire instead on them. So unfortunatly, I thnk Bergoglio's in until he dies....or becomes too sick. The good thing about all this is, that more and more bishops everywhere are seeing with their own eyes what this upcoming "Synod on Synodality" scheduled to open in October will really be like,(mostly talking about homosexuality), and they hate it.
I personally believe that this "Synod" will blow up in Francis' face, and Hollerich, and Grech, and the Germans. I personally, am going to pray that the Synod becomes such a disaster for the radicals and progressives, that they fail so badly and it is so embarassing for Francis that he is forced to abdicate/resign..........and a CATHOLIC is elected as the new Pope. I would not be surprised at all.
I am praying for the "Synod" to be an absolute disaster for the radical liberals, and for Francis.😂😂😂😂🙏🙏🙏