Controversy over Cardinal Mahony’s conclave vote reaches Vatican

Cardinal Mahony Controversy over Cardinal Mahony’s conclave vote reaches Vatican Mahony, who led the nation’s largest archdiocese from 1985 to 2011, has been accused of hiding sexual abuse by priests …More
Cardinal Mahony
Controversy over Cardinal Mahony’s conclave vote reaches Vatican
Mahony, who led the nation’s largest archdiocese from 1985 to 2011, has been accused of hiding sexual abuse by priests and was recently sidelined by current Archbishop Jose Gomez.
Gomez announced that Mahony would no longer have any “administrative or public duties” after a court-ordered release of 14,000 pages of internal church records showed Mahony and others actively tried to shield abusive priests from prosecution. Gomez called the records “brutal and painful reading.”
Nonetheless, the 76-year old cardinal remains a bishop” in good standing” and retains the right to vote for the future pope until he reaches age 80. Gomez has since said he supports Mahony’s vote in the conclave.
In an interview with the daily La Repubblica, Cardinal Velasio De Paolis, the former head of the Vatican’s Prefecture for Economic Affairs and the pope’s envoy charged with reforming the disgraced Legionaries of Christ, said that …More
We were warned about these days by Our Lady in LaSalette, Akita..etc.
"Is there anyone in Rome who can properly address this scandal?" ....... There's quite a few things that needed to be addressed over the last 40 yrs...guess the bad guys outnumber the good. Or those in authority doesn't have what it takes to administer the authority he/they have.
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
According to De Paolis, only “someone with great authority” could advise “through a private intervention” that the retired Mahony not take part.
Cardinal De Paolis,
Is there a slight possibility that there may be someone, anyone at the Vatican who has "great authority" and, more importantly, the courage to do what is right regarding this man...this bishop ”in good standing” who has …More

According to De Paolis, only “someone with great authority” could advise “through a private intervention” that the retired Mahony not take part.

Cardinal De Paolis,

Is there a slight possibility that there may be someone, anyone at the Vatican who has "great authority" and, more importantly, the courage to do what is right regarding this man...this bishop ”in good standing” who has adversely affected so many innocent lives and brought such great shame and damage to the Catholic Church?

Is there anyone in Rome who can properly address this scandal?