Liberal Cardinal Mahony ‘finally’ disciplined for protecting predator priests

Liberal Cardinal Mahony ‘finally’ disciplined for protecting predator priests

LOS ANGELES, February 1, 2013 ( - Cardinal Roger Mahony, remembered by pro-life Catholics for his attacks on pro-life leaders who called for pro-abortion politicians to be denied Holy Communion, has been relieved of his public duties by his successor Archbishop Jose Gomez.

After a court order requiring the Archdiocese of Los Angeles to release documents some of which expose Mahony’s cover-up of sexual abuse by priests, Gomez publicly censured Mahony who retired after 25 years of being Cardinal Archbishop of the city in 2011.

“Effective immediately, I have informed Cardinal Mahony that he will no longer have any administrative or public duties,” said a public letter issued by Archbishop Gomez Thursday.

The documents, some 12,000 pages, show that Mahony purposely concealed from the public his knowledge of priests who had committed sex crimes with youth, transferring the perpetrators after they received counseling only to have them sexually abuse again and again.

The abuses were so severe that current Archbishop Jose Gomez commented Thursday, “I find these files to be brutal and painful reading. The behavior described in these files is terribly sad and evil.”
I certainly agree that we need more like Michael Voris! But it would have to come from those who know the faith; if/when those who call themselves 'Catholic', obtain a desire to Learn it, then we can proceed to take our Church back. And like Voris, Catholics MUST call out all those heretical priests and bishops. Remaining silent will get us NOWHERE!
Holy Cannoli
We will never know the thousands of letters sent over the decades to Rome and the pleas to papal nuncios requesting the removal of this man because of his pattern of abuse and cover-ups.
The most troubling fact is that he is not the only one in the hierarchy who is involved in similar activity.
Priests are always the first ones thrown under the bus but ask yourself how many bishops and cardinals …More
We will never know the thousands of letters sent over the decades to Rome and the pleas to papal nuncios requesting the removal of this man because of his pattern of abuse and cover-ups.

The most troubling fact is that he is not the only one in the hierarchy who is involved in similar activity.

Priests are always the first ones thrown under the bus but ask yourself how many bishops and cardinals have been removed by the Holy See over their very own criminal activity or their complicity in criminal sexual activity?

It is reprehensible, it's an embarrassment to the Church and to all Catholics and it's about time Catholics (those who are still left) start calling these malefactors out since Rome is so reluctant to do it.

Michael Voris is doing a great job but there is need for more. Incidentally, when a left-leaning pompous pretender starts ragging on Voris, it's a sure sign that you are dealing with a neo-Catholic establishment lackey who, in their support of the status quo, is a big part of the problem.
Nice Pic !
Talita Kumy
On Guard
According to the chart question #8, in the 12,000 page documents, the majority of offenses were committed between 1969 and 1985. This was during the reign of Paul VI and John Paul II and throughout the most formative years of Vatican II. It must also have been during the reign of these popes that these bishops,McIntyre, Manning and Mahoney, were appointed. Interestingly enough, these were the most …More
According to the chart question #8, in the 12,000 page documents, the majority of offenses were committed between 1969 and 1985. This was during the reign of Paul VI and John Paul II and throughout the most formative years of Vatican II. It must also have been during the reign of these popes that these bishops,McIntyre, Manning and Mahoney, were appointed. Interestingly enough, these were the most offensive sodomite bishops who were appointed by the 2 popes who are up for canonization. Now PLEASE explain to me the logic of any of the above. They are all in the same category being controlled by the same event, Vat. II......... And the present pope keeps the Traditional Priests out of the Church. WHERE IS THE LOGIC!!!!??????