Francis refuses to kneel. Corpus Christi June 23, 2019More
Francis refuses to kneel.
Corpus Christi June 23, 2019
pt.news and 8 more users link to this post
Maybe he's got bone on bone in his knees...or is that only in his head?.... 👏 👏
it.news and one more user link to this post
Gesù è con noi
😡 😡 😡 Bergoglio es un apostata que se rebela contra Dios y solo se arrodilla ante los que se rebelan contra Dios. ‘Los cristianos sólo nos arrodillamos ante Dios, jamás ante ningún poder terreno’: Benedicto XVI
Ludovic Denim
Is there someone that knows why the other priests keep the traditional garments for this event ? It's quite rare nowadays to see someone wearing them, isn't it ?
Lord, in Your mercy, send us a conclave.
ar.news and 3 more users link to this post
angry bob
How Long Oh Lord?