
Again: Francis Ignores Kneeler In Front Of Blessed Sacrament (Video)

Unlike his predecessors, Pope Francis has little interest in the feast of Corpus Christ. In Italy and the Vatican, Corpus Christi was celebrated on Sunday, June 23. But Francis showed up only at the …More
Unlike his predecessors, Pope Francis has little interest in the feast of Corpus Christ.
In Italy and the Vatican, Corpus Christi was celebrated on Sunday, June 23. But Francis showed up only at the end of the procession which was lead by his vicar for Rome, Cardinal Angelo de Donatis.
Although it was known from previous years and similar occasions, that Francis refuses to kneel in front of the Blessed Sacrament, a big kneeler was put in front of the altar where the monstrance was placed.
But Francis placed himself between the kneeler and the altar, ignoring the kneeler.
As always, he did not bend his knees before the Blessed Sacrament while he otherwise loves kneeling, especially in front of migrants, prisoners, homosexuals or politicians.
He sometimes appears to scowl before the Eucharist. He might just be reflecting the unhappiness of his master at the ceaseless opposition of Christ to the antichrist.
Depressing as always. History will not look kindly upon this papacy. Last time I checked, "the poor" are mortals as we all are and, as Christians, we have no business religiously "venerating" them. Christ washed the feet of His disciples as an example of humility. Nowhere in the Gospels does it say Christ "knelt in veneration" before them, or the Pharisees, or the Pagans or anyone else. Our current …More
Depressing as always. History will not look kindly upon this papacy. Last time I checked, "the poor" are mortals as we all are and, as Christians, we have no business religiously "venerating" them. Christ washed the feet of His disciples as an example of humility. Nowhere in the Gospels does it say Christ "knelt in veneration" before them, or the Pharisees, or the Pagans or anyone else. Our current pontiff, sadly, has been filmed doing just that before each of those groups.

In fact, it can be said Pope Francis will gladly kiss the feet of literally anyone before he ever bends his knee to the Almighty. He has "back problems" and all that, y'know...
la verdad prevalece
In a message for the Roman section of the Catholic Relief Caritas Anti Pope Francis said: “How much would I want all in the Church to kneel in veneration in front of the poor.”
Bergoglio kneels before the new poor of MARXIST LIBERATION who are stubborn sinners, who in the struggle of Marxist classes must rebel against the teachings of the Catholic Church and against the Catholic God that they …More
In a message for the Roman section of the Catholic Relief Caritas Anti Pope Francis said: “How much would I want all in the Church to kneel in veneration in front of the poor.”
Bergoglio kneels before the new poor of MARXIST LIBERATION who are stubborn sinners, who in the struggle of Marxist classes must rebel against the teachings of the Catholic Church and against the Catholic God that they consider to have been the OPPRESSORS of the people. The new poor are the Sodomites, the adulterers, the freemasons, the heretics, the atheists, the Muslims, and all the false religions.
He's an unbeliever so at least he's not a hypocrite. He should cease pretending to be Pope, if it's all a sham for him.
Why people are so mean to that beloved pope? He avoided the kneeler set for him just because of his humility before our blessed Lord in the Eucharist. Our Lord is the lord of poverty and simplicity, that’s why our pope denies to any thing fancy such as the throne that other popes used in the past, denies the orchestra, denies the apartment, denies the limousine etc.
Shame on those who try to belittle …More
Why people are so mean to that beloved pope? He avoided the kneeler set for him just because of his humility before our blessed Lord in the Eucharist. Our Lord is the lord of poverty and simplicity, that’s why our pope denies to any thing fancy such as the throne that other popes used in the past, denies the orchestra, denies the apartment, denies the limousine etc.

Shame on those who try to belittle such a humble pope.
This might be meant ironically, but the lodging house, the Casa Santa Marta, is luxurious and doubles the cost of guarding him as the old apartments have to be protected. Recall some residents like his close friend Zanchetto who is under suspicion for the usual homosexual assaults and dishonesty, with a similar nexus of homosexuality and speculation seen with Maradiaga and other officials he has …More
This might be meant ironically, but the lodging house, the Casa Santa Marta, is luxurious and doubles the cost of guarding him as the old apartments have to be protected. Recall some residents like his close friend Zanchetto who is under suspicion for the usual homosexual assaults and dishonesty, with a similar nexus of homosexuality and speculation seen with Maradiaga and other officials he has appointed. Think of his efforts to protect Grassi or Inzoli and other federalists.

Bergoglio's fake V2 humility is largely a form of narcissism so typical of a homosexual and unbeliever.