St Michaels Sword. Using google maps copy and paste each of the following locations then save as a favourite. Skellig Michael, Ireland Saint Michael’s Mount, England Mont Saint Michel, France Sacra di …More
St Michaels Sword.
Using google maps copy and paste each of the following locations then save as a favourite.
Skellig Michael, Ireland
Saint Michael’s Mount, England
Mont Saint Michel, France
Sacra di San Michele, Italy
Sanctuary of Monte Sant’Angelo, Italy
Symi’s Monastery, Greece Stella Maris Monastery, Mount Carmel, Israel Over the past several years interest has exploded in the legendary “Sword of St. Michael,” an imaginary line that links seven different monasteries from Ireland to Israel. Each location is dedicated to St. Michael the Archangel and some sources claim it “represents … the blow the Saint inflicted [on] the Devil, sending him to Hell.” It is a fascinating legend, one that is clouded in mystery. The legendary “sword” is called by many different names, for example: Sword of St. Michael, Sacred Line of St. Michael or St. Michael’s Line. In all cases it revolves around the following historic monasteries (and churches), with the number varying by tradition. Skellig …More
A comment from Mr W Winckler. From" the Earth Review" regarding whether the 19th century Railway engineers responsible for creating and laying literally hundreds of thousands of miles of railway tracks had found it necessary to make allowances for the Earth’s supposed "curvature"
This 19th century Railway Engineer Mr W Winckler was incredulous!
“As an engineer of many years standing, I saw that …More
A comment from Mr W Winckler. From" the Earth Review" regarding whether the 19th century Railway engineers responsible for creating and laying literally hundreds of thousands of miles of railway tracks had found it necessary to make allowances for the Earth’s supposed "curvature"

This 19th century Railway Engineer Mr W Winckler was incredulous!

“As an engineer of many years standing, I saw that this absurd allowance is only permitted in school books. No engineer would dream of allowing anything of the kind. I have projected many miles of railways and many more of canals and the allowance has not even been thought of, much less allowed for. This allowance for curvature means this - that it is 8” for the first mile of a canal, and increasing at the ratio by the square of the distance in miles; thus a small navigable canal for boats, say 30 miles long, will have, by the above rule an allowance for curvature of 600 feet. Think of that and then please credit engineers as not being quite such fools. Nothing of the sort is allowed. We no more think of allowing 600 feet for a line of 30 miles of railway or canal, than of wasting our time trying to square the circle”
Yes I know, but that's not "a sword" - The line isn't STRAIGHT - It's curved!
Plotting the co-ordinates of the historic apparition sites of St Michael cannot be said to be a "sword" until they're plotted on a none global map. (example 1)
I'm not sure what the shape of the earth is, it seems stationary and extremely flat - especially from the top of Mont St Michel in Brittany! 😊 but Christ is more …More
Yes I know, but that's not "a sword" - The line isn't STRAIGHT - It's curved!

Plotting the co-ordinates of the historic apparition sites of St Michael cannot be said to be a "sword" until they're plotted on a none global map. (example 1)

I'm not sure what the shape of the earth is, it seems stationary and extremely flat - especially from the top of Mont St Michel in Brittany! 😊 but Christ is more than capable of having been able to have created a spinning globe, cube, hexagon, triangle or even Mickey Mouse shaped Earth if He had wished to.
BUT, why would He have said in Scripture that the earth does not move? Since He said it doesn't move - It probably doesn't - Somewhere else, The Douay Challoner says "God sits upon the globe of the Earth" in Isaiah - but the original Douay Rheims says "God sits ABOVE the compass of the earth.)-

Douay Rheims Challoner Isaiah 40:22
".......have you not understood the foundations of the earth? [22] It is he that sitteth upon the globe of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as locusts: he that stretcheth out the heavens as nothing, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in.

The Original TRUE Douay Rheims states
"he that sitteth above the COMPASS of the earth."at Isaiah 40:22…/Douay-Rheims-16…

Many Saints and Doctors of the Church stated that it is not true that Scripture is wrong when it says that the earth is flat....

However, for the topic in hand If Christ wanted to achieve a sword shape on a reputed "Globe" He definitely COULD have done it without much difficulty ......see

... but He would have had to have sent St Michael to a lot of other places instead!

THIS is the TRUE good old Historically plotted "none globe" ancient sword of St Michael.....😇

.....and here's a photograph of the sword of St Galgano at one of the apparition sites.
You're almost certainly right about this supposed geographic "sword" Caroline03 Then again, it's worth recalling not all swords are straight. Especially angelic swords that are made out of fire.
Yes, if you take into consideration some other known apparitions of St Michael
Cova d'Iria, Fatima
and those of St Michael to St Joan of Arc
it can then be seen that the "Sword" of St Michael becomes a Cross. 😊
When you link Fatima with Domremy la Pucelle - Garabandal is clipped...........
What is not commonly revealed these days relating to the person who called himself the "Angel …More
Yes, if you take into consideration some other known apparitions of St Michael
Cova d'Iria, Fatima
and those of St Michael to St Joan of Arc

it can then be seen that the "Sword" of St Michael becomes a Cross. 😊

When you link Fatima with Domremy la Pucelle - Garabandal is clipped...........

What is not commonly revealed these days relating to the person who called himself the "Angel of Peace" who appeared to the children at Fatima (Sr Lucia also stated he was also "The Guardian Angel of Portugal") This is very interesting, for St Michael has appeared on two separate occasions in the Cova d'Iria, Fatima, and not just the apparitions which we hear about today, those of 1917. Others of a few centuries earlier, which are not generally discussed (possibly because we don't object to the Moors invading us nowadays🤪 )

A few centuries earlier St Michael assisted the King of Portugal against his war against the Muslim Invasion after the prayers of "Blessed Nuno"were answered in (of all places) The Cova d'Iria in Fatima.

It was after St Michael's assistance during the Battle against the Moors that he was proclaimed Portugal's Guardian Angel.

The full text of this earlier apparition can be seen in the following 2 links.

PS Also of interest - something else not normally gleaned from the Fatima Apparitions, is this.... Today, even though Scripture states that "The Sun was halted in it's course" to assist Joshua, ie implying it moves! science tells us that it is WE who move, the sun doesn't.

Christ allowed us to see an event on Oct 13th 1917, an event called "The Miracle of the Sun"which took place in front of 90,000 witnesses during the Fatima apparitions. The SUN span in circles for a long time, beheld by 90,000 witnesses and then in a terrifying moment for everyone, it released itself from it's position in the Heavens and came crashing down to earth. Having done this it once again MOVED, shooting back fading into the distance regaining it's customary position far above our heads in the Heavenly Spheres.

Clearly what 90,000 people were shown at Fatima was evidence to support the fact that not only does Jesus Christ control the movements of the Sun but also, that it is moving, or can move and is clearly not stationary at all. Some believe that it may not have been the Sun - that it is "Nemesis" or "Planet X" a second sun that some believe is in our solar system at the moment. Taking into consideration that the Apparition of the Miracle of the Sun appeared on October 13th 1917, and the Message of Our Lady of Akita regarding "Fire falling from the sky" ALSO took place on October 13th 1973. We should be warned that whatever shape the earth is - there might be a real "global" threat ahead of us. I personally don't trust Moon landings either - and I believe the revelations Our Lord made in Sacred Scriptures over "Nasa "any day. 😊
Wayside Shrine Maker
How straight is the line? Flat maps may not account for the earths curvature thus the line shown in the picture that looks a little curved may not be. I hope someone who understands the science can explain this. It could be remarkable.