Josef Seifert: The Pope must revoke parts of Amoris Laetitia. Speaking to the Austrian philosopher Josef Seifert stated that different statements in Pope Francis' apostolic exhortation Amoris …More
Josef Seifert: The Pope must revoke parts of Amoris Laetitia.
Speaking to the Austrian philosopher Josef Seifert stated that different statements in Pope Francis' apostolic exhortation Amoris laetitia are “objectively heretical”. Seifert makes clear that he does not believe that Pope Francis is heretical, “I think he made certain statements which are heretical.“
Francis writes in Amoris Laetitia: “No one can be condemned for ever, because that is not the logic of the Gospel!“ According to Seifert this claim can hardly be interpreted in any other way than as a denial of hell. Seifert adds: “But Christ himself warns in the Gospel of the reality of hell.”
Furthermore Seifert criticizes Francis’ claim that in certain circumstances adultery can be allowed and can even be considered as God’s will. A partner in a second illegitimate relationship should – according to Francis - not refuse sexual intercourse if the other partner would otherwise seek a third illegitimate relationship in …More
Paul V Lashkevich shares this
hell is permanent because those inside of it sin forever. Sin can only be sin, if it is freely chosen- a person who has no ability to stop sinning, cannot actually sin, because sin implies the person has an ability to reject the temptation. Every person who remains in hell, is there because they voluntarily choose to sin forever- no matter what God offers them, they refuse to repent. In other words …More
hell is permanent because those inside of it sin forever. Sin can only be sin, if it is freely chosen- a person who has no ability to stop sinning, cannot actually sin, because sin implies the person has an ability to reject the temptation. Every person who remains in hell, is there because they voluntarily choose to sin forever- no matter what God offers them, they refuse to repent. In other words, it is human beings, not God, who are the ones that make hell permanent.

I don't think that Francis' statement about hell was heretical, because it is possible to interpret it in relation to this. The logic of the gospel is that God came to save the world, not to condemn it. He desires for all to be saved. How could it be then that there is some point that passes at which God says He does not want a person to be saved any longer, or He does not wish a person to repent any longer? Why did He die on the cross if His love for human beings had limits?

God consigns people to hell, the way that a boy in love with a girl lets the girl go away, when she doesn't want him, even though he would do anything for her. Those in hell are there, because they themselves refuse to repent, not because God refuses to allow them to repent. Hence, it is possible to say that He does not send people away forever, but they are away forever. Perhaps I am wrong about this, but I don't believe it has to contradict what Jesus says in the gospel.
I believe this pope ,he won't change amoris laetitia ,that would admitting he is wrong
GJA Taylor
at 7.20 he says padre pio....... st.pious would tell them to go change their life, then return to confession, then communion, get a grip! This pope needs to go now.
GJA Taylor
go pope francis and go now.
Dr. Seifert is clarifying Catholic doctrine which is true and unchanging and given to us by Our Holy Lord Himself. A breath of fresh air in the smog of relativism and all the flood heresies that we are subjected to in "modern times"
Thank you for this very important interview.
"Seifert makes clear that he does not believe that Pope Francis is heretical".
Actually, like most Catholics, he does not WANT to believe it.
Bergoglio is not the pope.
Bergoglio is not a Catholic.More
"Seifert makes clear that he does not believe that Pope Francis is heretical".

Actually, like most Catholics, he does not WANT to believe it.
Bergoglio is not the pope.
Bergoglio is not a Catholic.