Monsignor Gänswein: Appointment to Vilnius Imminent

The appointment of Archbishop Georg Gänswein to the Vilnius nunciature for the three Baltic countries is imminent, writes (6 June): "The bags are already packed".

"Barring any last-minute complications, the official appointment should not take too long." Governments can take around three months to approve a nuncio.

The appointment was first announced in April by Argentine journalist Elisabetta Piqué, a friend of Francis since his days in Buenos Aires.

I understood he was a friend to Pope Benedict, and that he wept when Benedict died. ‘Nothing but the Truth’: A reader’s guide to Archbishop Gänswein’s memoir
Boanerges Boanerges
Jailer of Pope Benedict
Sad…so very sad. He could have served the Church much better and far more effectively remaining unassigned to a Vatican role. At least in such a case, he would be able to maintain a strong, independent voice with which to speak truth, expose and reveal corruption and corrupters, and defend the Faith. Now, he will be at the behest and diabolical whims of his Vatican masters: silenced, emasculated,…More
Sad…so very sad. He could have served the Church much better and far more effectively remaining unassigned to a Vatican role. At least in such a case, he would be able to maintain a strong, independent voice with which to speak truth, expose and reveal corruption and corrupters, and defend the Faith. Now, he will be at the behest and diabolical whims of his Vatican masters: silenced, emasculated, shackled and handcuffed, with the threat of dismissal and perpetual exile or even some form of blackmail hanging over his head like the sharp, death-dealing blade of a guillotine, which can be released to drop at any time. This cannot end well for him.
Christopher Shahrazade
Why is this such a bad posting? He could have been sent to the Ivory Coast, of GHana, or Mongolia. Or been given a useless post like Vatican representative to the "Sovereign Military Order of Malta", etc. Francis I bet doesn't have long to go.... I would not be surprised if the new Pope (if we get a good one), appoints him to the Sacred College of Cardinals at his very first opportunity.
There was …More
Why is this such a bad posting? He could have been sent to the Ivory Coast, of GHana, or Mongolia. Or been given a useless post like Vatican representative to the "Sovereign Military Order of Malta", etc. Francis I bet doesn't have long to go.... I would not be surprised if the new Pope (if we get a good one), appoints him to the Sacred College of Cardinals at his very first opportunity.
There was just a posting that Bergoglio is taking a full 8 weeks off from his liturgical tasks/appearances. That's probably not a good sign as to his health/stamina. But I don't understand that either. For years all he's done is sit there and let an appointed Cardinal do all the officiating/celebrating at the Masses, etc.
@Christopher Shahrazade It’s not the “location” or type or even the nature of the Papal Posting about which I’m concerned and to which I refer in my comment. It’s that the Archbishop ACCEPTED a Vatican assignment at all, in the first place. Especially in view of what he has already painfully suffered at the foul, filthy, bloody hands of those who now rule in Rome. Such a commitment is a fettering …More
@Christopher Shahrazade It’s not the “location” or type or even the nature of the Papal Posting about which I’m concerned and to which I refer in my comment. It’s that the Archbishop ACCEPTED a Vatican assignment at all, in the first place. Especially in view of what he has already painfully suffered at the foul, filthy, bloody hands of those who now rule in Rome. Such a commitment is a fettering chain that will utterly bind and restrict his life, a trap that will surely ensnare and imprison his very soul. He will be impaled upon his allegiance to his Vatican masters, from whom he received this Posting, and to whom he will now owe unconditional loyalty and absolute, unquestioning devotion; and will be easily brought to bay with the strangling leash they will hold him tightly by. He will have no liberty to speak freely, fully and TRUTHFULLY of those things which only he could divulge and expose regarding the many and varied interactions he’s seen, heard and had during his ecclesiastical career, nor will he be allowed to disclose and reveal with impunity the potentially damaging and damning facts regarding his experiences within the innermost workings of the Holy See and the Papal Household itself. And far, far worse, he will not be free to serve his conscience in the defense of the Faith against the wolves in the Vatican and other high places in Holy Mother Church, whom he has come to know and can identify, for the sake and salvation of his own immortal soul. With this assignment, he will be expected to “tow the company line” and align himself with, and demonstrate total support of, the spirit of the current Pontificate, regardless of how long or how short a period of time Pope Francis has left to reign. Meaning: he has just sold his soul cheaply to the devil for the lowest price possible. Thus, as I said in my original comment: this will not end well for him.
Christopher Shahrazade
Wow! I've only used this site 1 day, and already I know that you are far more passionate/dramatic about the Church than I would ever be. My family happens to be Catholic by marriage, not by long tradition. Most belong to an Eastern Orthodox Church (very ancient) that most have never heard of, but which is pretty well represented in the Middle East, Egypt, and parts of India. I don't know much about …More
Wow! I've only used this site 1 day, and already I know that you are far more passionate/dramatic about the Church than I would ever be. My family happens to be Catholic by marriage, not by long tradition. Most belong to an Eastern Orthodox Church (very ancient) that most have never heard of, but which is pretty well represented in the Middle East, Egypt, and parts of India. I don't know much about them, because like I said, our family, and 1 Aunt, are Catholic. I've never gone to their Church. But I do know that their bishops, in union with all the other Eastern Orthodox Churches in union with the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew are 100% against homos, and against Francis and Tucho's emphasis on them. Which maybe is why I read afew days ago, that a fairly good number of former Roman Catholics are switching to Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Coptic, and in some extreme cases leaving the Christian tradition entirely..all becuse of the Francis agenda.
Regarding this good Archbishop Ganswein, I think he accepted the position because he's only 65-66 and would like a job. I know he is fairly well off on his own because of the fantastic book he wrote, and contributions from the many friends of Benedict XVI, but the Francis crew won't be there forever, and I think Ganswein knows that Francis is in his last days, and it is unlikely that the new Pope will be a Francis clone, so it's better to be acceptable to the present regime, in order to be acceptable (and possibly move upwards to a red hat) in the next regime.
@sp2 . . How sad…how utterly, despairingly sad. Those sweet, precious babies are adorable. It’s an apocalyptic tragedy that, barring divine intervention, they will be wrapped and steeped throughout their lives within a cocoon of poisonous perversion, and will be reared in an unnatural environment of abomination as the so-called “children” of two sick, deluded, deceived, degenerate deviants, who …More
@sp2 . . How sad…how utterly, despairingly sad. Those sweet, precious babies are adorable. It’s an apocalyptic tragedy that, barring divine intervention, they will be wrapped and steeped throughout their lives within a cocoon of poisonous perversion, and will be reared in an unnatural environment of abomination as the so-called “children” of two sick, deluded, deceived, degenerate deviants, who will strive relentlessly to lead them down the road of perdition and damn their immortal souls to hell’s deepest abyss.