Alberto Bárcena: The Satanic Character of the Masonic Rites. Alberto Bárcena is a history professor at the prestigious Catholic Universidad Ceu San Pablo in Madrid, Spain, and a specialist for Freemasonry …More
Alberto Bárcena: The Satanic Character of the Masonic Rites.

Alberto Bárcena is a history professor at the prestigious Catholic Universidad Ceu San Pablo in Madrid, Spain, and a specialist for Freemasonry. Speaking to Infocatolica he denounced the Satanic character of the Masonic rites. Quote, "Inside of Freemasonry they adore Lucifer, although he is never called this way."

Bárcena explains that there is a moment in the Masonic initiation ritual when the Masons trample a crucifix and say: "This cross, symbol of death and destruction, may disappear from the world."

According to Bárcena the UN and other entities like the Bilderberg group promote the goals of Freemasonry, which through social engineering aim at destroying the family and national sovereignty.

Bárcena says that in Freemasonry Lucifer is the one who brings knowledge to men in paradise, and God is the one who expels men from paradise. For the Masons, Lucifer is an ally of man.

Freemasonry is today less secretive than it used to be. Bárcena recounts that the college of lawyers of Madrid convened a conference under the title "Catholics and Masons". The president of the Supreme Masonic Council of the 33rd degree was invited. He was flanked by a Jesuit, who supported his Masonic theses.

Bárcena explains that the former Spanish Socialist government of José Luis Zapatero implemented a secular policy almost dictated by the lodge Grand Orient of France. He adds that the present government of the centre-right People's Party under Catholic prime minister Mariano Rajoy is not any better. Quote, "Rajoy has eliminated almost all pro-lifers from his government and from the party."

Bárcena points out that the Spanish Caudillo Francisco Franco, a fervent Catholic, who saved the Church from being slaughtered by the Communists, instituted between 1940 and 1963 a tribunal in order to eradicate Masons and Communists and did not allow for Masons to assume public offices.
I Despise Masons!
St Maximilian Kolbe! Pray for us!
Masons are Anti-Catholic and want a one world religion...
Ahh, yes, the masons. They are firmly in control of the Vatican and boy does it show
Holy Cannoli
Were the Beetles Satanic Freemasons? 😲
Were the Beetles referring to the Masonic secret handshake? 😲
Not secret at all in the UK, months ago they were invited to celebrate their 300th anniversary at the Canterbury Cathedral. No significant meaning whatsoever -is what we're all supposed to believe. 😡 😈