
Barbastro: Bishop (Francis) Continues War Against Opus Dei

• On August 20, Barbastro Bishop Ángel Javier Pérez Pueyo, Spain, has declared the post of Rector of Torreciudad, Opus Dei's sanctuary in northern Spain, as “vacant.” • Pérez wants war, while the …More
• On August 20, Barbastro Bishop Ángel Javier Pérez Pueyo, Spain, has declared the post of Rector of Torreciudad, Opus Dei's sanctuary in northern Spain, as “vacant.”
• Pérez wants war, while the Opus Dei is trying to find an amicable solution.
• The rector, Father Ángel Lasheras, and two other Opus Dei priests at the sanctuary have been reduced to assistants to the new rector, a diocesan priest, aged 86.
• The cabal was coordinated and supported from Rome (Ghirlanda = Francis) via Barcelona (Omella).
• Only the hermitage in Torreciudad, rebuilt with Opus Dei money, belongs to the diocese.
• The image of Our Lady of Torreciudad was ceded to Opus Dei in perpetuity.
• The shrine, which was built by Opus Dei does not belong to the diocese.
• Pérez Pueyo has no seminarians and the highest average age of the clergy in Spain, but has time to engage in pointless conflicts. • It is said that the diocese, which is running out of money, wants the shrine to pay an annual contribution (€600,000?). …More
Alejandrina Reyes
Hi, yesterday I went to this battle . This has been pushed by the Alphabet people for the 3rd year
What caused me extreme sadness was to hear the teachers defending the delusional world of the alphabet people .
The parents defended the minors from indoctrination . It is so important to be there to let them know we don’t want poison into our children’s souls
5 against 3 in favor .
Miami-Dade School …More
Hi, yesterday I went to this battle . This has been pushed by the Alphabet people for the 3rd year
What caused me extreme sadness was to hear the teachers defending the delusional world of the alphabet people .
The parents defended the minors from indoctrination . It is so important to be there to let them know we don’t want poison into our children’s souls
5 against 3 in favor .
Miami-Dade School Board votes no to recognizing LGBTQ+ History Month
When you remove God from the bible you are left with communism.
If you remove the bible from God, you are left with a maffia.
I feel O.D. is kind of the latter, while Fnarcis is kind of the former.
Indeed, without Francis the bishop would not have taken this step. But he knows he has all the cover he needs.