
Torreciudad: Opus Dei Capitulates

Bishop Ángel Pérez Pueyo of Barbastro, Spain, announced on December 8 that the Opus Dei shrine of Torreciudad will become a diocesan sanctuary. The shrine was built and managed by Opus Dei and does …More
Bishop Ángel Pérez Pueyo of Barbastro, Spain, announced on December 8 that the Opus Dei shrine of Torreciudad will become a diocesan sanctuary.
The shrine was built and managed by Opus Dei and does not belong to the diocese.
At the end of November, Pérez visited the Dicastery for the Clergy, which since July 2022 is in charge of the Opus Dei. The Dicastery “ratified” the proceedings of Bishop Pérez in Torreciudad.
The dismissed rector of the shrine, Father Angel Lasheras, who was present when Pérez made the announcement "thanked" him for his words. It will take a few years for the diocese to run the place against a wall.
Picture: Torreciudad © wikicommons CC BY-SA, #newsTqbqwtvgmm
If you recognize Bergoglio as the Pope, you must capitulate.
This is a full-fledged robbery and those responsible have to confess and return the property to the OD faithful. But the Bergolgians only preach the sacraments for others, that is if they do not distort them
English Catholic
@eva333 What makes Opus Dei so special? Other religious communities have been ransacked, had properties appropriated, or have been suppressed by Francis - did you speak out then? Or are you a member of Opus Dei and thought you'd be nice and safe because very few - if any OD at all - speak out and resist his abuse of authority?
English Catholic
The architecture is the least of their worries - trust me. Opus Dei Bishop Bonnemain's scandalous comments have been the subject of many threads on Gloria TV.
Looks like the ugliest designs always win in with newchurch
Maria delos Angeles
What horrible ugly architecture - not uplifting to the human spirit.
English Catholic
Frankly, I don't care. Opus Dei is hardly a bastion of Tradition. Having closely known a family for about 40 years, brought up in and around Opus Dei, I now watch all the teenagers and young adults I knew as babies, lapsing, co-habiting, having children out of wedlock etc. And the majority of them went to private schools run by Opus Dei members.
@English Catholic a free will have something with it. And - sad to say - of course, if you are with Bergoglio, you must pay a price
Jan Joseph
Maar de Traditionele Rooms Katholieken die het Universele Tridentijnse Romeinse Rooms Katholieke geloof belijden Capituleren nooit en zullen winnen van hun vervolgers. Deze Rooms Katholieken hebben in alle democratische landen die hun vrijheid van godsdienst geven en zullen er bij de democratische regeringen op aandringen de diplomatieke banden met het Vaticaan te verbreken. Wat er ook gebeurt, …More
Maar de Traditionele Rooms Katholieken die het Universele Tridentijnse Romeinse Rooms Katholieke geloof belijden Capituleren nooit en zullen winnen van hun vervolgers. Deze Rooms Katholieken hebben in alle democratische landen die hun vrijheid van godsdienst geven en zullen er bij de democratische regeringen op aandringen de diplomatieke banden met het Vaticaan te verbreken. Wat er ook gebeurt, liever in schuilkerken dan Capituleren.