
Tucho Imagines An Underage Girl Having an Affair with "Jesus"

The rediscovered porn book, authored by Tucho Fernández, "La Pasíon Mística" contains a fantasy of a sexual encounter between a 16 (!) year old teenage girl and "Jesus Christ".

In chapter 6, the girl says to "Jesus Christ": "I see you bathing in the sea, letting these drops have the privilege of touching you".

"Let me caress your skin, Jesus, slowly, with all the capacity for love that this little creation has.

The chapter includes a long description of kissing and caressing his body from head to toe: "I caress your hands, Lord, I intertwine your fingers with mine, I feel the warmth and softness of your skin. I caress your fingertips as I contemplate that most sacred wound that you keep in the palm of your hand".

"I caress your face, Jesus, and I come to your mouth [...]. I caress your lips and in an unprecedented impulse of tenderness you allow me to kiss them softly I thought I heard your invitation in the Bible: 'Kiss me with the kisses of your mouth'".

Tucho's "Mother of God" stands by and approves the encounter, and the girl says to "Jesus": "Your Mother, the freest woman in history, also allows me to love you; she accepts to share this sublime joy with me and leaves us alone".

"Mary invites me to continue to love you".

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsMoupvucjlu

la verdad prevalece
The Da Vinci Code falls short of Tucho's blasphemous and perverse pamphlet
Wilma Lopez shares this
Vatican’s Chief Guardian of Doctrine Wrote Pornographic, Blasphemous Book
Sean Johnson
In the fake conciliar church, authoring books like that is great for your career.
Boanerges Boanerges
Any comments from bishop Schneider? Is this the right hand of Schneider's "Holy Father"? Very "holy" indeed...
Patricia McKeever
@Boanerges Boanerges the title "Holy Father" refers to the office of the papacy - it is not any kind of acknowledgment or claim that the office holder is "holy". Thank God.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
THis really is a type of soft porn. If this guy doesn't resign of his own will, he has no shame. Nor todes Francis for putting the likes of him into office in the CDF. As bad as TUcho Fernandez is, he would never be a cardinal, nor Prefect of the CDF (it was always called the CDF, not Francis' made up name DDF), were it not for Bergoglio, who knew all about this book, read it, had a copy of it. I …More
THis really is a type of soft porn. If this guy doesn't resign of his own will, he has no shame. Nor todes Francis for putting the likes of him into office in the CDF. As bad as TUcho Fernandez is, he would never be a cardinal, nor Prefect of the CDF (it was always called the CDF, not Francis' made up name DDF), were it not for Bergoglio, who knew all about this book, read it, had a copy of it. I feel sorry too, somewhat for Tucho, because he is following orders from the root of the sodomy and evil in the Church. He's just an instrument...indeed a puppet of Francis. Tucho resigning will help,,,,,,but the source of the problem in nthe Church will remain. Until he is gone, forcibly or otherwise, the issues remain.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Second line should read "Nor DOES Francis....." Typo.
I'm beginning to feel very sorry for him. He is a lonely man, for all his "expertise" on intimacy. He was put in as head of a dicastery and is now the most mocked man in the Catholic Church. I'll pray for him. He is being used as a means to an end. (attempts to demolish the church, which will not happen, ever).
@jobina “Feeling sorry” for him is the same as feeling sorry for Satan himself. There is no innocence here to feel sorry for. Because Kissy knows exactly what he is doing and the damage being done to the Spouse of Christ with the implementation of this agenda of heretical perversion and he is among the long-time authors of it. He is not only a WILLING participant, he is a leading instigator, …More
@jobina “Feeling sorry” for him is the same as feeling sorry for Satan himself. There is no innocence here to feel sorry for. Because Kissy knows exactly what he is doing and the damage being done to the Spouse of Christ with the implementation of this agenda of heretical perversion and he is among the long-time authors of it. He is not only a WILLING participant, he is a leading instigator, proponent and perpetrator of the evil that is strangling Holy Mother Church with filth and abomination. Thus, like any earthly minion of Lucifer, he merits our prayers born out of mercy and compassion for his immortal soul with hopes for his genuine conversion, but not our sentimental sorrow.
Feeling sorry for him as a human being in "time". Lucifer had all knowledge and fell due to his own pride, knowing all. The Cardinal does not know "all". Also, I did not say he is innocent of anything. I am sorry for him despite his guilt and/or ignorance. My pity is not sentimental, unless you mean compassionate. And if Jesus prayed "Father forgive them for they know NOT what they do", I can do …More
Feeling sorry for him as a human being in "time". Lucifer had all knowledge and fell due to his own pride, knowing all. The Cardinal does not know "all". Also, I did not say he is innocent of anything. I am sorry for him despite his guilt and/or ignorance. My pity is not sentimental, unless you mean compassionate. And if Jesus prayed "Father forgive them for they know NOT what they do", I can do the same. :)