
A “Sick Society In The Nets of Evil” Allows Church Vandalism - Cardinal Sarah

Church vandalism reflects a “sick civilization that gets carried away in the nets of evil” - Cardinal Robert Sarah wrote on Twitter (February 10).

Only last week several French Catholic churches were ransacked. Although this has been going on for a long time the French government and the oligarch media keep mum.

Among the most recent cases is Notre-Dame-des-Enfants in Nîmes where on February 6 the tabernacle was broken open. The hosts were mixed with excrements and smeared on the wall.

On February 9 the hosts were taken out of the tabernacle in the church Notre-Dame in Dijon and thrown around. [pictures]

Picture: Robert Sarah, © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-SA, #newsStgprmcpzy
Lisi Sterndorfer
The weak French Bishops' Conference held back commenting on the desecrations to avoid further attacks…. [and will provoce them]
“God emulates man with magnificent generosity. Abraham offered to God his mortal son who did not die, and God gave up his immortal Son who died for all of us.” -Origen
Lisi Sterndorfer
The face of Church vandalism
Very bad