
Gaza: Catholic Religious Are "Doing Well" - "Never Seen Anythin Like This"

“Our people in Gaza are doing well”, wrote Father Gabriel Romanelli, an Argentinian serving in Gaza's only parish, in an October 10 statement. He was in Bethlehem when the war began, but wants to return …More
“Our people in Gaza are doing well”, wrote Father Gabriel Romanelli, an Argentinian serving in Gaza's only parish, in an October 10 statement.
He was in Bethlehem when the war began, but wants to return to be "with our little flock." Francis called Romanelli on October 9.
Romanelli reported that the parish has taken in refugees, "several of whom have lost their homes and many others have been damaged by the bombing."
All the fathers and nuns of the community IVE in the area are "fine". He mentions the "many deserted roads" and lacking water.
Romanelli, who has lived in the Middle East for 28 years, told CatholicNewsAgency.com that he had never seen anything like this before, "There are hundreds of dead and thousands of injured among the population”.
He says that this war has been in the air since May.
P. O'B
His chin is now as healthy as can be. But he needs another on his bald head.
Exclaimed the deceived covidian...
John A Cassani
I’m sure the surgical mask around the priest’s chin is doing him a lot of good.