
Francis Lied Into the Camera About Abuse Case

Pope Francis lied when a journalist for Martin Boudot's documentation “The Silence of the Shepherds” (2017) asked him during a Wednesday audience whether he attempted to influence the justice in the case of Argentinean Father Julio Grassi.

Grassi is serving a 15 year sentence for having abused male teenagers.

Francis denied. When the journalist replied, “No? Then why did you commission a counter-inquiry?”, Francis claimed, “I never did.”

The journalist was referring to a four-volume study that was defending Grassi. In the last volume, published in 2013, its author, Marcelo Sancinetti, states explicitly that the work was commissioned by Cardinal Jorge Maria Bergoglio.

Bergoglio provided exemplars of the study to the judges of the Argentinean Supreme Court who later rejected Grassi’s appeal.


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Here is the conversation in a picture