
An Argument For Latin Liturgy - By Dr. Robert Brown

An argument for Latin liturgy is that it brings a sense of the transcendent. By transcendent, I do not necessarily mean "supernatural," but rather that which is not bound to a particular time and place. …More
An argument for Latin liturgy is that it brings a sense of the transcendent.
By transcendent, I do not necessarily mean "supernatural," but rather that which is not bound to a particular time and place.
For example, 2 + 2 = 4 transcends time and place. It is as true in the US as it is in Switzerland. The same is true for moral principles or for Revelation.
Vernacular means local, and Catholic means universal.
John Paul II's neo-conservative Church consisted in universal morals and local liturgies.
Such a structure is doomed to fail. Therefore, Amoris Laetitia was not a surprise.
Don Reto Nay
@Dr Bobus: The Council "Fathers" tried hard to make Veterum Sapientia disappear. They aimed at having a "trans-uncultural" liturgy, I guess.
Dr Bobus
How about rigid insularity?
Dr Bobus
Nb: In Veterum Sapientia John XIII notes that Latin is transcultural.
“Christ is distressed to see and hear priests and bishops, who ought to be protecting the integrity of the teaching of the Gospel and doctrine, multiply words and writings that weaken the rigor of the Gospel by their deliberately ambiguous, confused statements.” — Cardinal Sarah