
" Vaccines" : Archbishop Vigano is counting with R. de Mattei

On December 15, 2021, almost two years ago, Prof. Roberto De Mattei published at Corrispondenza Romana an article by pediatrician Gwyneth A. Spaeder with which she allegedly wanted to refute my statements about the “vaccine” for Covid19 contained in the letter I had sent to the USCCB and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on October 23, 2021. In my letter I wrote: “With every passing day, thousands of people are dying or are being affected in their health by the illusion that the so-called vaccines guarantee a solution to the pandemic emergency. The Catholic Church has the duty before God and all of humanity to denounce this tremendous and horrible crime with the utmost firmness, giving clear direction and taking a stand against those who, in the name of a pseudo-science subservient to the interests of the pharmaceutical companies and the globalist elite, have only intentions of death.” (Archbishop Vigano's Open Letter to the U.S. Bishops - October 23, 2021 - Grave Warnings and Admonitions) Spaeder wrote: “Catholics have no reason, however, to fear the safety, efficacy, or morality of COVID mRNA vaccines. These vaccines should serve as an example of how dedicated medical professionals can use their God-given talents to help end the immense suffering caused by this virus.”
(Gwyneth A. Spaeder | Corrispondenza romana) Prof. Massimo Citro della Riva, who had responded on my behalf to Dr. Spaeder in a scientifically unimpeachable manner
(Monsignor Viganò e Massimo Citro / Risposta all’articolo di Gwyneth A. Spaeder - Aldo Maria Valli), was on that occasion made the subject of ad personam criticism by the very venomous pen of “Emanuele Barbieri” of Corrispondenza Romana (Chi è il dott. Massimo Citro Della Riva? - di Emmanuele Barbieri | Corrispondenza romana) a criticism that was later retracted with a note from the Editorial Office (PRECISAZIONE: articolo sul dott. Massimo Citro - di Redazione | Corrispondenza romana). After Pfizer’s admissions to the European Parliament, in recent weeks the EMA also officially declared that the experimental gene serum (whose recently updated leaflets report a disturbing list of serious and even lethal side-effects) does not ensure any protection from Covid19 infection

(, contradicting what had previously been claimed by the mainstream and De Mattei’s own news agency. Not only that: there is evidence that in the gene serums imposed by governments enslaved to the WHO and sponsored by Bergoglio himself, who is an advocate on behalf of the pharmaceutical companies, there is plasmid contamination with the SV40 virus, which according to some scientists such as Dr. Peter McCullough is at the origin of turbocancer (see Malone: la contaminazione del DNA plasmidico nei vaccini è una «chiara violazione del consenso informato»). At the time, I wrote to De Mattei, “Those who are familiar and assiduous with my writings know well that I am not in the habit of making unproven claims or taking positions on controversial issues without thoroughly documenting myself.” Today, my assertions of two years ago are entirely confirmed by indisputable official sources, while the arguments of Prof. De Mattei and his overseas advisors (who are not immune from conflicts of interest, as pointed out by Jules Gomes:
Big Pharma Stooge Smears Pro-Life Prelate) prove to be nothing more than an embarrassing office defense of BigPharma. I would like to hope that the recklessness with which the Director of Corrispondenza Romana has ventured into dealing with complex issues in the scientific sphere is not the same as that with which he intends to deal with topics in the ecclesiastical sphere today (I vescovi Strickland, Schneider e Viganò. Alcuni punti fermi (1° parte) - di Roberto de Mattei | Corrispondenza romana), thereby defeating the merits of the author of “Ecumenical Vatican Council II. A History Never Written.”

For memory : when bischop Rey was "confident in science" about vaccines

Quand Mgr Rey faisait la promotion de l'industrie fœtale