Italy's falling birth rate is a crisis that's only getting worse Italian welfare systems are already struggling to cope with the ageing of the population, and there is no consensus on what to do about it. …More
Italy's falling birth rate is a crisis that's only getting worse
Italian welfare systems are already struggling to cope with the ageing of the population, and there is no consensus on what to do about it.
Yeah but don't you dare call young men & women to be fathers & mothers - cause you'll be called alt-right fascist sexist OR worse, a meddling layman heretic who denies that consecrated virginity is a higher state of life! 😬
Everyday for Life Canada
Ma per avere bambini ci vuole la famiglia aperta alla vita.
Everyday for Life Canada
Push abortion, contraception, the sexual letters of the alphabet and anti-family policies for two generations and what do we expect? Nothing but a demographic winter.
Billy F
Piu Bambini!!!