Don Reto Nay
Amish For Trump. I miss the America I grew up in...More
Amish For Trump.
I miss the America I grew up in...
Strange how you NEVER focus on Joe Biden's support.for homosexual marriage @Baptist John No real suprise since your voting for him. You want your government hand-outs back and don't really give a hoot about anything else, no matter how much "holy rolling" you do this site. That's also why you're not carping on Joe Biden's "adultery". Like all hypocrites, you don't care about the issue, only who's …More
Strange how you NEVER focus on Joe Biden's support.for homosexual marriage @Baptist John No real suprise since your voting for him. You want your government hand-outs back and don't really give a hoot about anything else, no matter how much "holy rolling" you do this site. That's also why you're not carping on Joe Biden's "adultery". Like all hypocrites, you don't care about the issue, only who's doing it. and especially when Joe Biden was giving you a monthly freebie and Donald Trump pulled the plug.
Sonia Chrisye
Trump wird mächtig aufräumen.
Sonia Chrisye
One more comment from Sonia Chrisye
Sonia Chrisye
So ist es richtig
"Not very rooted Republicans, more so, opportunists" @Baptist John ...and you're voting for Biden to get your Obama-era welfare benefits back.