
Chicago Parish Returns to Normality

For the Advent and Christmas season the Stanislaus Kostka parish in Chicago, USA, will celebrate Holy Mass ad orientem, i.e. the priest will be facing the tabernacle. The parish-priest, Father Anthony …More
For the Advent and Christmas season the Stanislaus Kostka parish in Chicago, USA, will celebrate Holy Mass ad orientem, i.e. the priest will be facing the tabernacle.
The parish-priest, Father Anthony Bus explained on social media that “the Sacred Mysteries will be offered as they were for nearly two thousand years.”
“We will follow the ancient form of the Holy Offering, the priest and the people together, raising their eyes to the East from where the Lord will come at the end of time.”
Picture: Stanislaus Kostka, Chicago © David Wilson, CC BY, #newsSsyxeodwin
There is another former polish church run by Ressurrectionists St. John Cantius, www.cantius.org, where Holy Masses are celebrated ad orientem since more than 25 years. Have a look to Sacred Music.
I guess we do not find another parish where this pot-pourri of classics could be heared during Holy Masses and Hours and NOT only in concert halls.
My husband and I drove all of the way from Texas up to Chicago to be at this event, that is how much we were impressed with Father Bus when we had the honor of meeting him last year. God bless Father Bus, he is a holy priest and wonderful man.
Most parishes would start facing Mecca instead
Well said.
Ad orientem is a good start. Now get rid of the Novus Ordo completely and go back to tradition, the mass that made countless saints. You have a beautiful church, use it how your ancestors intended it to be used.
Uncle Joe
St. Stanislaus Church ( nicknamed "the church that moved a highway" ) is an icon for Polish-Americans. It was Chicago's first Polish Catholic Church.
St. Stanislaus Church lies in the shadow of the Kennedy Expressway and it is said that because of its rich history, Bernard C. Prusinski, a civil engineer and former Chicago alderman, drafted a plan that rerouted the highway, saved $3 million and …More
St. Stanislaus Church ( nicknamed "the church that moved a highway" ) is an icon for Polish-Americans. It was Chicago's first Polish Catholic Church.

St. Stanislaus Church lies in the shadow of the Kennedy Expressway and it is said that because of its rich history, Bernard C. Prusinski, a civil engineer and former Chicago alderman, drafted a plan that rerouted the highway, saved $3 million and protected the church. I remember seeing this church form the expressway whenever I had to take the expressway going to Chicago's north side.

Although the neighborhood has changed and it's not just Polocks living there any more, there are good things still going on at St. Stans including Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 24 hours - 7 days.