
Wikileaks Publishes Francis' Deceitful Letter to Cardinal Burke

WikiLeaks (January 30) released Pope Francis' December 2016 letter to Cardinal Raymond Burke, then patron of the Order of Malta.

The letter comments on the Order's famous 2016/2017 controversy, caused by the Order's Grand Chancellor Albrecht Boeselager who had approved the distribution of condoms and contraceptives in Myanmar.

As a consequence, Grand Master Matthew Festing asked Boeselager to resign. But Boeselager appealed to Francis who reinstated him and ousted Festing in January 2017.

The leaked letter was written to Cardinal Burke over a month before the ousting.

Francis makes Burke believe in the letter that he, Francis, would be "very disappointed" if Boeselager had been aware of the distribution of contraceptive and had not ended this.

But the letter turned out to be a con job because at the end Francis supported the condom distributor and punished the reformers.


De Profundis
Nothing justified the removal of Grand Master Festing from office.
Lisi Sterndorfer
Grand Master Festing should’ve refused to resign as the head of a sovereign nation. But I guess he was so old school, in deference to Comrade Francis, he went ahead and resigned.
Henry Sire (The Dictator Pope) adds to the original wikileaks article that members of the Order did not papal authority. The investigation was ordered by the Secretary of State, Cardinal Parolin "who appeared to be acting in his own sectional interests and against the policy of the Patronus, Cardinal Burke, who as far as Grand Master Festing was aware was acting on the Pope's instructions."
This shows just how much of a liar Jorge Bergolio is. I guess he wanted to be sure Cardinal Burke was truly faithful to Christ. Once established Jorge Bergolio sidelines C. Burke by appointing a pretend "special delegate" Arb Becciu. The devil is a master liar and all those who lie are from the devil!
Dr Bobus
Is the letter deceitful? Or did Parolin step in and do things his way?
Parolin knows:
The pope has to back his man Parolin publicly
The pope is not supported by a majority of the Cardinals. He is backed by only a few, 3rd rate Cardinals (Maradiaga, Farrell, Tobin).More
Is the letter deceitful? Or did Parolin step in and do things his way?

Parolin knows:

The pope has to back his man Parolin publicly

The pope is not supported by a majority of the Cardinals. He is backed by only a few, 3rd rate Cardinals (Maradiaga, Farrell, Tobin).