
German Diocese: Animal Carcass on Cross Is “Art"

In the office of Father Christoph Simonsen, the rector of the City church in Mönchengladbach, Germany, there is a "cross" on which Christ's body is replaced by an animal cadaver.

The travesty is visible from the City church through a glass door. The dead animal has limbs, but no head. Aachen Bishop Helmut Dieser agrees with this.

According to Kath.net (8 November), several priests and Dieser himself, who enjoys pub liturgies, were approached in this matter.

An apparently disturbed employee at the vicar general's office answered that art could also serve as a "disturbance of fixed perceptions" and that the undignified representation was "not undignified."

The letter explained pompously that Dieser had called a so-called Commission for Ecclesiastical Art to "understand" how art could serve as an "intervention into habitual perceptions in the faith debate." A critic who asked for a personal dialogue was turned away.

Mary 17
That's Satan's definition of religious art.
I wonder if the Commission for Ecclesial Art would acknowledge a burning Diocesan building as art?
Germany huh? Could never of guessed it.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
I'm beginning to think the only valid response is a group of burly parishioners taking it upon themselves to forcibly remove the blasphemous "art".