
Strange Resignation of a Trappist Abbot

Dom Richard Purcell, Abbot of Mount Melleray Abbey, Ireland, has resigned on November 25. Over the last year, unspecified allegations were made against him. Therefore, the Trappist Abbot General ordered …More
Dom Richard Purcell, Abbot of Mount Melleray Abbey, Ireland, has resigned on November 25.
Over the last year, unspecified allegations were made against him. Therefore, the Trappist Abbot General ordered a visitation.
According to the official Cistercian website, the investigation concluded that the allegations were unfounded. Nevertheless, Dom Richard offered his resignation “for personal reasons” which was accepted.
Throughout the inquiry Waterford Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan supported Dom Richard, writes BishopPatBuckley.Blog (November 25).
The blog believes Purcell is guilty, sharply attacks Cullinan for supporting him, and predicts that Purcell would rather leave the Trappists and the priesthood and begin a career as an organist than become a simple monk again.
You will find the whole sordid story here:
You will find the whole sordid story here:

bishoppatbuckley.blog/…regation-for-bishops-denouncing-phonsie-cullinane/ is a more specific link. Neil Dargan was the minion or invert.
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Gay issue in the monastery is due to women absence ? Or just his sexual tastes ?
Clergy Sexual Abuse of altar boys means his gay issue ? Or just his pedophilia ? Or his power ?

I am serious. Asian people don't understand.
"said to have engaged in sodomy with a former priest in a guest house of the Abbey." Why would that prompt a resignation when it's commonplace in the Vatican? ;-)
This Abbot was said to have engaged in sodomy with a former priest in a guest house of the Abbey. Worse than Silverstream which was apparent hassling with a possible homo undertone. I worried Silverstream was in danger but they were accorded the full three monkeys treatment from the diocese. Anyhow, Mt Melleray has long been a place of retreat and recollection. The usual Novus Ordo rottenness.
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unspecified allegations // secrets ?