Gloria.TV News on the 14th of March 2013 Germany. According to information received by Gloria.tv, the archdiocese of Cologne is under heavy pressure because of an email campain organized by the website …More
Gloria.TV News on the 14th of March 2013


According to information received by Gloria.tv, the archdiocese of Cologne is under heavy pressure because of an email campain organized by the website cardinal-meisner.org. The campain is directed against the decision of the German bishops to allow the introduction of the abortive morning after pill into their Catholic hospitals. The international critique against this scandal has virtually overwhelmed the archdiocese of Cologne. It has answered the protests, adding that this is not their normal policy. A central point of their answer is point 5 - quote: This response turnes the burden of proof upsite down and evades the question, easily answered by identifying the drug that is allegedly not abortive. Such a drug, however, still unknown to medical science, would be morally acceptable only in the case of prooven rape.


Father Franz Schmidberger, the head of the German district of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X has stated that the recent approval of the abortive “morning after pill” by the German bishops has a similar impact as the so called declaration of Königstein in which the German bishops, in 1968, de facto allowed the contraceptive pill defying the encyclical Humanae Vitae. The Priestly Society has asked Cologne Cardinal Joachim Meisner for a clarification. But Meisner did not respond.


Since the German speaking future citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah have repeatedly made the demand to be the only people on Earth to have the historical right to use the symbol of the swastika which, incidentally, originates from India; and since hypocrites will demonstrate more outrage toward an icon than they do about the killing of newly conceived children occurring in the Catholic hospitals of Germany, Gloria.tv's English-speaking responsible have decided that it would be a matter of justice to grant the Germans their request. From now on the video exposing the malevolent German bishops and their anti-life decision will be as following:
Susy Longoria shares this
Colección de Gloria.TV.
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Colección de Gloria.TV.

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Thank you, Father Schmidberger, for your support. 👏 👏 👏
Cardinal Meissner, shame on you! 🤮 🤮 🤮More
Thank you, Father Schmidberger, for your support. 👏 👏 👏

Cardinal Meissner, shame on you! 🤮 🤮 🤮
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
What happens with GloriaTV (English version) News?
It shows a complete lack of understanding of the hurt of rape to consider that a further act of violence against an innocent child will in any way be therapeutic to a rape victim. Violence against innocent lives is never healing but always harming. Especially seriously culpable when done in the name of Our Saviour.
Wirewrapper- I think you are a troll putting Hate comments on here. Pope Francis has only just told us to LOVE. Perhaps you could be reminded that we have had a rather good German Pope only recently...
Did you know that Nazi swaticka are popular in Asia? I can't stand seeing the stupid things, here in Taiwan. I just remeber the great stories my Grandfather told about fighting the Nazi in World War II. And he loved to show me the Nazi flag he captured, and how a Rosary saved his life on Omaha Beach. Nazis are Nazis and I am not surprise about what comes out of Germany somtimes!
God bless you 2! 😘
I can't believe GloriaTv news was pursued just because you used the swatiska symbol. Nevertheless, the new symbol is an accurate one too.
Keep on staying up for the Church

I can't believe GloriaTv news was pursued just because you used the swatiska symbol. Nevertheless, the new symbol is an accurate one too.

Keep on staying up for the Church

What a joy to see you Doina!
Continue to pray for the Church in Germany ....
👏 👏 👏 🤗 🙏
The German bishops do not serve Almighty God, but the father of lies.
Resign you gaggle of fakes.
Holy Cannoli
The Catholic Church is clear on its stance against abortion yet these 6 German bishops are permitting the use of an abortive pill in German Catholic hospitals.
Who do these men serve?
Do they serve the Lord and Giver of All Life or do they serve the whims of a decadent society?
Clearly these bishops have succumbed to the promptings of a culture in steep decline and anti-life/ pro-homosex publications …More
The Catholic Church is clear on its stance against abortion yet these 6 German bishops are permitting the use of an abortive pill in German Catholic hospitals.

Who do these men serve?

Do they serve the Lord and Giver of All Life or do they serve the whims of a decadent society?

Clearly these bishops have succumbed to the promptings of a culture in steep decline and anti-life/ pro-homosex publications such as Der Spiegel.

How can these hypocrites ever be taken seriously again?

It was in 2011 that the German bishops were found to have been involved in a massive pornography enterprise. After a decade of complaints from laymen, it was only after a papal rebuke did the German bishops agree to sell WELTBILD – the lucrative book publishing company that was recently outed by mainstream media for carrying some 2,500 pornographic titles.

Now, a short 2 years after the pornography scandal, the German bishops are back doing what they do so well...scandalizing the laity while undermining and embarrassing the Catholic Church. Only this time they have moved on from the smut business and the scandal is achieved by their approval of an abortive drug to be administered in Catholic hospitals.

How can these men claim to be Catholic when they have become facilitators in the destruction of innocent human life in the womb?



Nazi like?

Indeed, these bishops are behaving exactly like their ancestors who felt that certain members of the human family can be targeted for elimination. For their grandfathers, uncles and fathers the target was the Jews. For these descendants of the Nazis, the target is unborn babies in the womb. Their murderous pogrom parallels that of their fathers except the victims of the 2013 genocide are unborn babies and not Jews.

You 6 bishops are complicit in the murder of innocent unborn babies and you know it. The Swastika is too merciful a symbol for you butchers since you have the audacity to fake holiness while atrocities are permitted with your consent in Catholic hospitals.