Gloria.TV News on the 27th of May 2013 Italy The archbishop of Genoa, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco gave communion to Vladimir Luxuria, a infamous Italian politician and transvestite. Luxuria participated …More
Gloria.TV News on the 27th of May 2013

The archbishop of Genoa, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco gave communion to Vladimir Luxuria, a infamous Italian politician and transvestite. Luxuria participated at the funeral mass held last week for Fr Andrea Gallo a renowned defender of homosexualism who died at the age of 84. Luxuria who received communion from the cardinal belongs to the unrepentant Italian communist party and is a self-declared Buddhist.

Archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski, president of the Pontifical Council for Health Care, has heavily criticized the morning-after pill during a meeting of the World Health Organization in Geneva. “It is known that the morning-after pill has an abortive effect” – Zimowski stated. Almost at the same time, Cologne Cardinal Meisner claimed in front of a German newspaper the alleged existence of a non-abortive morning-after pill. The cardinal was unable to give the brand name of his pill that in reality does not exist. Catholic hospitals in Cologne kill children through the morning after pill with the direct consent of Cardinal Meisner.

The Vatican owns gold reserves worth 1420 billion dollars according to articolotre.com. The Italian website claims that the Vatican owns 60.350 tons of gold, about 30% of all gold that has ever been extracted. It is no surprise that articolotre.com gives no sources for its claims.

During his commencement address to students at the Jesuit university Boston College, Enda Kenny talked about the joys of being a dad watching his children grow up. At the same time, he is planning to legalize abortion in Ireland. Once it becomes law, he will be personally responsible for thousands of Irish children in the future not having the opportunity to grow up or ask their mums and dads the delightful questions that Enda Kenny so obviously enjoys from his own children. Protect the Pope comments: We are all familiar with the accounts during the Holocaust of SS guards committing acts of utter depravity and then going home to play with their children in the garden. And: For God’s sake, will some bishop have the courage and love to challenge this deadly sickness of the soul?
Holy Cannoli
Thanks for the news, Doina.
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Thanks for the news, Doina.

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I will not pray for the bishops anymore. I will pray that all these prayers for the bishops will finally be answered.
We, also, pray for the bishops that they have the courage to extricate all forms of modernism in the seminaries and dioceses throughout the world.
We pray for the bishops of the world to become aware of their tremendous responsibility towards God and the Church, and to support the Pope in defending the values , morals and human life. We pray for them ....
🙏 🙏 🙏 😇
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