"Everyone Is Welcome" Is Only True in Hell - Mgr. Mutsaerts

"Fiducia supplicans" offers the possibility of pseudo-blessing homosexual concubines, even though the Vatican had clearly spoken out against this possibility two years earlier, notes Auxiliary Bishop Rob Mutsaerts of 's-Hertogenbosch in a foreword to the book "The Breached Dam", which deals with the infiltration of homosexual sin into the Francis' Church.

Mutsaerts makes it clear that the text of 'Fiducia supplicans' breaks with the Bible, Catholic traditions [and common sense]: "One is asking for God's blessing to heal the brokenness in ones life, not to perpetuate ones disordered situation."

"One cannot reject God's judgement and moral demands and still appeal to His mercy," he explains. For Mutsaerts, the main problem is that 'Fiducia supplicans' does not address the moral dimension of homosexual sins: "FS refuses to name the evil."

Another problem for Mutsaerts is that mercy is proclaimed without repentance: "Everyone is welcome [except Catholics and decent people]."

The bishop explains: "Everyone is welcome, but not everyone accepts the invitation," whereas in hell "everyone is unconditionally welcome" because "the devil's slogan is: 'Come as you are. You do not have to change. You don't have to ask for forgiveness. You don't have to lift a finger to help others with their needs. Everyone is welcome in hell. Todos, todos, todos [except Catholics and decent people]".

The key to peace of mind and heart, writes Mutsaerts, is "to ask for forgiveness". This means admitting sin: "Nothing works so disastrously as denying evil".

Picture: Screenshot Przybądźcie Wierni, #newsUhccjnvrlz

Naomi Arai
Everyone who ever went to hell chose it.
'Come as you are. You do not have to change. You don't have to ask for forgiveness." More than asking for forgiveness is required - one has to sincerely work to amend one's life - and stop the sinning! God cannot bless the person who obstinately stays stuck in their sin - or refuses to make the necessary changes to get out of sinful lifestyles. FS blesses the lifestyle and does nothing to require …More
'Come as you are. You do not have to change. You don't have to ask for forgiveness." More than asking for forgiveness is required - one has to sincerely work to amend one's life - and stop the sinning! God cannot bless the person who obstinately stays stuck in their sin - or refuses to make the necessary changes to get out of sinful lifestyles. FS blesses the lifestyle and does nothing to require persons to stop the sinning - along with not requiring the person to admit and confess the sin. A firm purpose of amendment requires action to change one's circumstances so the sinning stops - as in walk away from sinful relationships - permanently!
All are welcome, all, everyone, everyone, no one is excluded. -Lucifer
Very well stated, Your Excellency.