
Commission On Female "Deacons" Was Unable To Find "Consensus" - Francis

The Vatican commission on female "deacons" was unable to find an unanimous answer to the question whether female "deacons" in the first centuries were "ordained" like male deacons or only "blessed," Pope Francis stated during his flight from North Macedonia to Italy (May 7).

He stressed that the formulas for the institution of "female deacons" were similar to the formulas used for the blessing of an abbess and different from the texts used for the ordination of liturgical deacons.

Francis therefore suggested to “study more” [likely until the result he desires, is "found"].

All previous Vatican studies on female "deacons" - among them a 2002 statement by the International Theological Commission - concluded, based on the same sources now used by Francis' study group, that ordained female ministers never existed.

(via Father Zuhlsdorf, full text)
The commission was made, it worked for almost two years. They were all different, all toads from different wells, [that must be an Argentinian idiom] all thinking differently, but they worked together and were in agreement until a certain point. But each of them then has her own view [HER own view… wonder who that might be…] that does not agree with that of the …More
(via Father Zuhlsdorf, full text)

The commission was made, it worked for almost two years. They were all different, all toads from different wells, [that must be an Argentinian idiom] all thinking differently, but they worked together and were in agreement until a certain point. But each of them then has her own view [HER own view… wonder who that might be…] that does not agree with that of the others. And there they stopped as a commission and each is studying [how] to go forward.For the female diaconate, there is a way to imagine it with a different view from the male diaconate. For example, the formulas of female deacon ordination found until now, according to the commission, are not the same for the ordination of a male deacon and are more similar to what today would be the abbatial blessing of an abbess. This is the answer of some of them. I’m speaking a little from the ear, from memory.Others say that it is a female deacon formula, but they argue that it is not clear. There were female deacons, but was it a sacramental ordination or not? And that is discussed, it is not clear. That they helped in liturgy, in Baptisms by immersion, when the woman was baptized the deaconesses helped, also for [unclear] the woman’s body. Then a document came out where diaconesses were called by the bishop when there was a matrimonial argument for the dissolution of the marriage or divorce or separation. When the woman accused her husband of beating her and the bishop called the deaconesses to look at the woman’s body for the bruises and so they testified in the judgment. These are the things I remember.But fundamentally, there is no certainty that it was an ordination with the same form, in the same purpose as male ordination. Some say there is doubt, let’s go ahead and study. I am not afraid of studying, but up to this moment it does not proceed.Then it is curious that where there were deaconesses it was almost always a geographic zone, especially in Syria. And then in another part, it does not touch or nothing. All these things I received from the commission. Each one continues to study, and [they have] done a good job, because up to a certain point [they were] in agreement. And this can be an impetus to go ahead and study and give a definitive answer, yes or no, according to the characteristics of that time.An interesting thing. Some theologians of a few years ago, 30 years ago for example, said that there were no deaconesses because women were in the background in the Church, not only in the Church. Always women… But it is a curious thing: in that period there were so many pagan priestesses, the female priesthood in pagan cults was ordinary in that day. As it is understood as a female priesthood, a pagan priesthood in women, it was not done in Christianity. This is being studied also. They have arrived at a point, now each of the members is studying according to her theory. This is good. Varietas delectat.Pope Francis:
Pope Francis:
I did not hear the first part of your question. McElwee: [repeats a part of the question.]
Josh McElwee, [for pro-women’s ordination] National [c]atholic Reporter:Thank you so much, Holy Father. In Bulgaria you visited an Orthodox community that has continued a long tradition of ordaining women deacons. In a few days you will meet with the International Union of Superiors General*, that three years ago requested a commision for women deacons. Can you tell us something you have learned from the report of the commission on the ministry of women in the early years of the Church? Have you made some decision?
Hold on heretics will ordain other heretic women, priestesses. St Michael defend us in battle
His days are numbered, pray for him...
Lisi Sterndorfer
The commission said “no” but Francis says “it isn’t clear”
Will Francis set up another study commission on female deacons?
Dr Bobus
Phyllis Zagano is one of those people who think everything changes except the bread and the wine.
Phyllis Zagano is never going to accept that woman were never ordained to the diaconate