
Good-Morning Francis Complains About Reducing Mass to Social Convention

Francis started to talk about "union" and "communion" as the double fruit of the Eucharist at his June 14 Angelus, but lost himself in moralism and contradictions.

As a precondition for a union with Christ, he asked for "our assent," "our willingness," our letting "ourselves be transformed."

"Otherwise the Eucharistic celebrations in which we participate are reduced to empty and formal rites," he opposed his usual insistence on the free gift of grace "without preconditions," and his polemics against self-absorbed, promethean neo-Pelagianians.

The truth is that Mass itself brings about the sacrament regardless of the intention of those participating.

Francis went on complained about people allegedly going to Mass “many times” as a due "social act" which he calls "respectful" but only "social." However, he himself emphasises this superficial social aspect by replacing "Praised be Jesus Christ" with "good morning."

Further, Francis' words about social pressure may reflect the experience of his youth. Today, "social pressure" is about not going to Mass.


Absp Carlo Maria Vigano on Obedience:
Be Ye Separate
False Francis stated through his spokesman, that he does NOT govern the Church by Sacred Scripture, nor by Sacred Scripture and Church Tradition combined.
He announced that he governs by his own will only.
This is prophesied for the antiChrist, he will place himself above Almighty God.
We have witnessed False Francis opposing our Lord Jesus' Holy Teachings many times, he governs as he stated.
False Francis stated through his spokesman, that he does NOT govern the Church by Sacred Scripture, nor by Sacred Scripture and Church Tradition combined.
He announced that he governs by his own will only.
This is prophesied for the antiChrist, he will place himself above Almighty God.
We have witnessed False Francis opposing our Lord Jesus' Holy Teachings many times, he governs as he stated.
Almighty God please strengthen your faithful, in the Holy Name Of Jesus. Amen
How can this really be the Pope of Rome?
Seriously, day in and day out, everything in complete contradiction of Catholic doctrine...
What will it take for Catholics to wake up???
Even if this man came out waving a free mason flag, most Catholics would just ignore and pretend everything is ok????
Be Ye Separate
False Francis stated through his spokesman, that he does NOT govern the Church by Sacred Scripture, nor by Sacred Scripture and Church Tradition combined.
He announced that he governs by his own will only.
This is prophesied for the antiChrist, he will place himself above Almighty God.
We have witnessed False Francis opposing our Lord Jesus' Holy Teachings many times, he governs as he stated.
Novella Nurney
Surely this is an exaggeration. The Bishop of Rome contradicting himself ? Even in the same Anomaly, I mean homily? Something has gone awry in the Eternal City!