
A Fruit of the Council: Defrocked Archbishop Milingo Turned 90

The Protestant Emanuel Milingo turned 90 on June 13. Paul VI made him the Archbishop of Lusaka at the age of 38, and consecrated him personally.

Milingo became quickly famous as a “healer” and “exorcist” causing considerable brouhaha, so he was moved to the Vatican, where John Paul II told him, “Your Excellency be prudent but not too much.”

He was also a Hip-hop chanter and participated in 1997 at the Italian Sanremo Music Festival with the song “Gubudu gubudu” (video).

When he was 71, Milingo married the 43-year-old Korean Maria Sung in a mass marriage of the Moon sect. He said later,

“For 43 years as a celibate priest I only knew God as a male. Now, through my union with Maria, I have come to see the other side of God's heart, which is female.” Christ and Saint Paul were not married.

After his suspension he started campaigning for married priests and “consecrated” six married bishops. He was laicised in December 2009.

Now, Milingo is back in Lusaka on a Vatican pension granted to him by Benedict XVI.

Picture: Emanuel Milingo © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsJshjsorjct

Alex A
What can be said? Colourful man. Don't begrudge him his pension. That's about it.
Novella Nurney
Absolutely insane! and Francis isn't even to blame.
I couldn't watch the video, I'm still having issues after watching the " Rapping Polish nuns".