"Bergoglio: the communion of saints includes blasphemers and apostates" - These are scandalous words, certainly. But there is nothing new under the sun here. There are innumerable declarations by …More
"Bergoglio: the communion of saints includes blasphemers and apostates" - These are scandalous words, certainly. But there is nothing new under the sun here. There are innumerable declarations by Bergoglio and his conciliar predecessors in which the universal salvation of men is meant - more or less subtly - based on the underlying divinity of the human being, abolishing the distinction between nature and grace, between natural and supernatural order. In this lies the essence of modernism, which is nothing more than the contemporary avatar of pantheistic Gnosticism, in Christian garb. The entire conciliar ecumenical praxis is based on this false principle: think, for example, of the multiple interreligious meetings of Assisi, which occurred during the last three "pontificates." - Source of the video: Pope Francis says those who have ‘denied the faith’ are ‘at home’ in ‘the communion of saints’ - LifeSite
"Let us consider, dear brothers and sisters, that in Christ no one can ever truly …More
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Paul F
Was he speaking about himself? 🤔
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
When was this? Looks like attendance at audiences is going down...down.down. 😂
I think it was merely a typo in the printed text, it was supposed to say, “the communion of the ain’ts”.
Francis is speaking of the Synodal Church not the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church. Don’t expect anything he says to correspond to the Apostolic Faith. He does not disappoint in this case. Jesus chides us to ‘strive to enter by the narrow gate.’ The Synodal Jesus of vital imminence says, …More
I think it was merely a typo in the printed text, it was supposed to say, “the communion of the ain’ts”.

Francis is speaking of the Synodal Church not the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church. Don’t expect anything he says to correspond to the Apostolic Faith. He does not disappoint in this case. Jesus chides us to ‘strive to enter by the narrow gate.’ The Synodal Jesus of vital imminence says, ‘all are welcome at the table of plenty.” There is literally nothing to do but ignore him and his minions and follow the Saints and doctors of the Apostolic Church.
God is simple. He is without blemish. This Pope makes simple matters very difficult to understand. Listening to him makes me more confused. How can blasphemers be among the saints? Did the Pope mean that blasphemers after they convert will be in heaven, or that they will be in heaven regardless of their sinfulness? Everyone should get up and walk out. This is a travesty!
Boanerges Boanerges
The point of Bergoglio is to spread the sin, ruin the Church and launch the one world religion to usher in the antichrist
Louis IX
So in the end all is permitted? If so what is the point of Bergoglio?