+Vigano did NOT Attend his Trial in Rome on June 20.

Archbishop Vigano Did Not Present Himself to the Vatican Court

Archbishop Vigano Did Not Present Himself to the Vatican Court June 21, 2024 by Tony La Rosa FacebookTwitterEmailShare
For sure, this is also a warning to bishops and priests, and to us, too, to toe the party line.
Carol H
la verdad prevalece: "...the illegitimate trial of the heretics...". So the gates of hell have prevailed? Christ lied?
la verdad prevalece
Well done, because if he appears before the illegitimate trial of the heretics, it would be playing into the hands of the apostates who want to intimidate him.
Christopher Shahrazade
God bless Archbishop Vigano. May the Lord shower him with Graces, and the prayers and overwhelming support of the faithful. And the opposite for Gay-Boy Pope Francis and his constant companion Gay-Boy Tucho Fernandez.