
Austria: Well-Meaning Priest Hosts Mass Parody at Dining Table (Video)

Father Dominik Toplek, parish-priest in Dornbirn, Austria, moderated on Pentecost and Trinity Sunday a life-streamed dining table mass parody.

The event was advertised as “Worshipping With Families at Home." It imitated the order of Mass. For the mock consecration, Toplek read from a tablet computer homemade texts on kindergarten level. He then lifted up a cake plate with bread and asked for “God’s blessing" saying: "Let us now share this bread" - what, at least, made clear that no consecration had taken place.

A likeable guitarist sitting next to him broke the "bread" with Toplek. Both chewed the dry piece with tense devotion.

Then Toplek grabbed grape juice in a wine glass and said: "Thank you Jesus, that you strengthen us and give us courage to get well through this exciting time. Thank you for walking with us and being with us always." He shared the grape juice with the guitarist.

One wonders why Toplek needed dry bread and grape juice to tell God these superficial things.


Roberto 55
That young lady is his cook...
"A likeable guitarist sitting next to him..." Oh noes.. it's a guitar Mass. Modernists and their guitar-Masses. :D She is pretty likeable, though. ;-)
Austria...well, they're Germanic too.
Le Précurseur
Es ist keine gültige Masse. Es gibt keine Weihe, das Brot ist nicht ungesäuert und der Wein ist rot, während er weiß ist, d.h. selbst wenn er die gültigen Worte ausgesprochen hätte, wären die Bedingungen für seine Gültigkeit nicht erfüllt gewesen...
Le Précurseur
It's not a valid mass. There is no consecration, the bread is not unleavened and the wine is red whereas it is white, that is to say that even if he had pronounced the valid words, the conditions would not have been met for it to be valid...