
Francis Promotes Another Pro-Gay Bishop To Important See

Francis made Springfield Bishop Mitchell Rozanski, 61, on June 10 archbishop of St Louis.

Rozanski is anti-Catholic and pro-gay. In a February 2016 pastoral letter he speculated that Catholics lapse from the Faith, because they “feel unwelcomed.”

He alleged that the key reasons for this "are race and cultural differences, a sense of gender inequality as well as sexual orientation.” The real reason ist the poor performance of the clergy.

Rozanski quoted from a diocesan survey according to which the - so called - “gay community feels that they aren’t welcome.” He expressed his hope “that a special outreach could be done to them” - although this "outreach" exists: the confessional.

Outgoing Saint Louis Archbishop Robert Carlson, 75, is a "conservative." He succeeded Archbishop Raymond Burke who was called to Rome.


It's preternatural how both secularly and religiously the world is falling into evil. What kept the world together morally was the Church. And now since we have a "pope" who is clearly in Satan's Service, they're running wild. Pope John XXIII is not a Saint. He had the chance to consecrate Russia Mary's immaculate heart as instructed. And he didn't. Same with JP2 and the coward Ratzinger.
There's nothing "preternatual" about it. The chain of causation is entirely mundane and conservatives have been documenting it for over half a century. Radical leftism pre-dates Pope Francis.
"Pope John XXIII is not a Saint."
You're contradicting a fundamental teaching of the Catholic Church, Jimbo. That's heresy. CCC 828 CCC 2089
This is a common problem among what I call "cafeteria Catholics".…More
There's nothing "preternatual" about it. The chain of causation is entirely mundane and conservatives have been documenting it for over half a century. Radical leftism pre-dates Pope Francis.

"Pope John XXIII is not a Saint."

You're contradicting a fundamental teaching of the Catholic Church, Jimbo. That's heresy. CCC 828 CCC 2089

This is a common problem among what I call "cafeteria Catholics". They pick and choose which teachings they're going to follow, which saints and Popes they're going to recognize and so on. You'll see plenty of it in action when Matty shows up sometime and tries to defend his rabid Jew-hating.

If you've got a genuine problem with derpy anti-Semites, you're going to LOVE GTV. :D
Mmm, no I'm not contradicting dogma. So I'm not a heretic. Are you drinking?
@uktraviolet since we don't have to pray to saints or follow anything they do or say, I'm not a heretic. Are you even Catholic?
The Church recognizes Saints. You are contradicting a claim by the Church. So yes, you ARE contradicting the teachings of the Church.
"since we don't have to pray to saints or follow anything they do or say"
I didn't advance either point. You doing so is a non-sequitur. However, contradicting the Church's teachings (in this case, the recognition of sainthood) isn't a negotiable item. Doing so is …More
The Church recognizes Saints. You are contradicting a claim by the Church. So yes, you ARE contradicting the teachings of the Church.

"since we don't have to pray to saints or follow anything they do or say"

I didn't advance either point. You doing so is a non-sequitur. However, contradicting the Church's teachings (in this case, the recognition of sainthood) isn't a negotiable item. Doing so is heresy. If you'd like to split hairs on whether it's "only" schism, be my guest. :D.

If you believe otherwise, YOU need to support your claim. A direct quote from Canon Law or the Catechism would do nicely. Links would help.
The Church recognizes Saints. It doesn't mandate we pray to them for our salvation. And it isn't dogma. Indeed, every dead Catholic person who dies in a state of grace is part of the community of saints. So while you may say I am a heretic, I am not. This is basic. I'm sorry you can't comprehend the difference between dogma and custom, or that you can't comprehend the fact that the Church has made …More
The Church recognizes Saints. It doesn't mandate we pray to them for our salvation. And it isn't dogma. Indeed, every dead Catholic person who dies in a state of grace is part of the community of saints. So while you may say I am a heretic, I am not. This is basic. I'm sorry you can't comprehend the difference between dogma and custom, or that you can't comprehend the fact that the Church has made mistakes in the latter area but I don't answer to you. Surely there has to be something better to do on a Friday night than try and correct me. Because 1, you can't and 2, it's embarrassing (for you).
@Ultraviolet in fact I would theorize that every declaration of Sainthood since John XXIII needs to be scrutinized all over again, since the Church post Vatican 2 is modernist, silly, and lost. Some they may have gotten right, some not. But the fact that the Church is currently in the hands of evil makes those declarations suspect. Good luck!
"The Church recognizes Saints. It doesn't mandate we pray to them for our salvation."
I didn't say they did. If you wish to argue otherwise, quote me directly. Otherwise, it's an implicit strawman argument.
The Church recognizes saints, correct. The Church has recognized John XXIII is saint. That is an official teaching of the Church. You are contradicting that teaching (your words) "Pope John …More
"The Church recognizes Saints. It doesn't mandate we pray to them for our salvation."

I didn't say they did. If you wish to argue otherwise, quote me directly. Otherwise, it's an implicit strawman argument.

The Church recognizes saints, correct. The Church has recognized John XXIII is saint. That is an official teaching of the Church. You are contradicting that teaching (your words) "Pope John XXIII is not a Saint."

claim has nothing to do with whether we, as Catholics, choose to pray to one saint or another, or even if we "must" pray to them at all, which we don't.

Contradicting (and obstinately doubting) the teachings of the Church does fall under heresy/ schism (depending on the extent of the contradiction).

"So while you may say I am a heretic, I am not. This is basic."

You need to look up the definition of heresy, according to the Catholic Church. It's why I linked it up for you in the first place, dummy.

"I'm sorry you can't comprehend the difference between dogma and custom"

I can. Unfortunately -you- are working from an incorrect understanding of how the Church defines heresy.

"you can't comprehend the fact that the Church has made mistakes in the latter area"

Fist, you've shown none. So it's another empty unsupported claim, typical of you. Second, you haven't shown any evidence the Church errred regarding John XXIII either. Again, typical of you.

Your say-so isn't good enough, bunky. ;-)

"Surely there has to be something better to do on a Friday night than try and correct me. Because 1, you can't and 2, it's embarrassing (for you)."

You're assuming the validity of a correction is dependant upon you acknowledging it. You really are a bottom tier logician.

Protip: I already have. :D
"I would theorize that every declaration of Sainthood since John XXIII needs to be scrutinized all over again"
Good for you. Until you can gain the Church's corroboration for both your theory and the conclusion you derived "John XXIII is not a saint", it remains your own and at variance with the Church's official position. Which brings us back to CCC 2089
"since the Church post Vatican 2 is modernist …More
"I would theorize that every declaration of Sainthood since John XXIII needs to be scrutinized all over again"

Good for you. Until you can gain the Church's corroboration for both your theory and the conclusion you derived "John XXIII is not a saint", it remains your own and at variance with the Church's official position. Which brings us back to CCC 2089

"since the Church post Vatican 2 is modernist, silly, and lost."

...and that's wrong too.

You've got to break this stupid habit of making sweeping generalizations and then arguing from them.

All it takes is one counter example and your claim fails entirely. Like so:

The FSSP is a.) post Vatican 2, b.) traditionalist, c.) reverential, and d.) orthodox.

"Some they may have gotten right, some not."

That's you're opinion, and again, at variance with the Church's official position. See my earlier point on how the Church defines heresy.

"But the fact that the Church is currently in the hands of evil makes those declarations suspect."

That's a genetic fallacy, btw. Again, sloppy reasoning.

I'll give you an example. The current pontiff's intentions are, prima facie, quite laudible. How he may wish to see them implemented might not be. ;-)

But they aren't automatically "suspect" just because they come from Pope Franics.
Sodomites are very united they only name sodomites they like a mafia martel a lgbt writer live in santa marta several years wrote a book said baldiseri confirmed a year or two ago 80% of vatican are sodomites today with zuppi tolentino peña and all new nominations should be higher.
The scary part is Francis is clearly grooming these men as a pool of future Cardinals. You heard it here first. Francis' successor will make him look like Benedict XVI by comparison.
comfort ye
That is our direction unless Our Blessed Mother steps in. August Queen of Heaven, hear our cry!
More about this bishop who suspended sacramental anointing in March (from CNA):
"After rescinding a controversial policy concerning sacramental anointing of the sick, the bishop of Springfield, Massachusetts told priests Friday afternoon that anointing of the sick is “suspended” within the Diocese of Springfield.
Earlier this week, Bishop Mitchell Rozanski authorized a change to norms for the …More
More about this bishop who suspended sacramental anointing in March (from CNA):

"After rescinding a controversial policy concerning sacramental anointing of the sick, the bishop of Springfield, Massachusetts told priests Friday afternoon that anointing of the sick is “suspended” within the Diocese of Springfield.
Earlier this week, Bishop Mitchell Rozanski authorized a change to norms for the sacrament of the anointing of the sick, permitting a nurse, rather than a priest, to conduct the physical anointing, which is an essential part of the sacrament.
“I am allowing the assigned Catholic hospital chaplains, standing outside a patient's room or away from their bedside, to dab a cotton swab with Holy Oil and then allow a nurse to enter the patient's room and administer the oil,” Bishop Rozanski told priests in an email March 25."
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