Ten Years of Bishops' Dismissals Picture: © gloria.tv, CC BY-ND, #newsDkexqsrmfjMore
Ten Years of Bishops' Dismissals

Picture: © gloria.tv, CC BY-ND, #newsDkexqsrmfj
Fernanda Dellucci
St Edith Stein (Letter 283): "If we prepare our hearts in these beautiful weeks of preparation, then surely the Divine Child will not fail to give us rich graces."
la verdad prevalece
Ten years of abuse of power because Bergoglio is not Pope. Woe to his accomplices who have passively or actively collaborated in Bergoglio's rebellion against God and against the immutable teachings of the Church!
And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur, where also are the beast and the false prophet; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever. …More
Ten years of abuse of power because Bergoglio is not Pope. Woe to his accomplices who have passively or actively collaborated in Bergoglio's rebellion against God and against the immutable teachings of the Church!
And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur, where also are the beast and the false prophet; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever. Revelation 20:10
la verdad prevalece
No one mocks God with impunity. The time will soon come when Bergoglio pays for betraying God and the Church.
Barbara C Marrs
You forgot Archbishop Cordileone
Opera 369
Why would 'anyone' want to continue to be in "his circus"! Whatever 'he' is heading has NEVER been "the CHURCH" of Christ; he has NEVER been the "Summus Pontifex" .... he is just a pachapope dressed in white!
Dressed in white ?
Ce n’est qu’une preuve de plus qu’un homme déguisé en pape usurpe l’autorité de l’Église pour soutenir la narrative d’un repaire d’ennemis subversifs de Dieu visant à asservir l’humanité".
(Bischop Vigano)More
Dressed in white ?

Ce n’est qu’une preuve de plus qu’un homme déguisé en pape usurpe l’autorité de l’Église pour soutenir la narrative d’un repaire d’ennemis subversifs de Dieu visant à asservir l’humanité".
(Bischop Vigano)
Bischop Rey has not been dismissed he has obtained a coadjutor because he needs one as he said himself and he asked for forgiveness for his faults et thanked Rome to have given him such a help.