
Chaput Defends Traditionis Custodes - But Suddenly Something Goes Wrong

Many Roman Rite Catholics reject many parts of [failed, ambiguous, and disasterous] Vatican II, lamented former Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput, 78, during the Eucharistic Symposium in Arlington Cathedral (October 22, video below).

"You don’t have to scratch them very hard before they bleed anti-Council thoughts and sentiments,” he manipulated. Arlington diocese in particular experienced one of the world's worst crackdowns on the Roman Mass. Thirteen Masses were shut down.

According to Chaput, Francis published Traditionis Custodes out of fear that the numbers of “those anti-Council folks were [suddenly?] beginning to increase, especially among young seminarians and young priests, and he wanted to make sure that the direction the Church headed at the time of the Council would be followed into the future.”

He believes "personally" that Francis’ way was "harsh and imprudent," but he "understands" why Francis felt he had to act at the present time.

Chaput's assessment is profoundly unenlightened. Although some Catholics abhor the calamity of the Pastoral Council, the Catholic Faith they profess is still much closer to the beliefs of the Pastoral Council than the neo-modernism and immorality of Francis and his followers.


Dr Bobus
Like other neo-cons Abp Chaput chooses texts from Vat II that seem to endorse neo-con positions.
1. Vat II is explicit that priests should read the Divine Office in Latin. Did Abp try to implement this among his priests?
2. There is no mandate in VatII that mass be in the vernacular. In so far as Abp Chaput is so concerned with Conciliar texts, why doesn't he point this out.
3. There is in Vat II …More
Like other neo-cons Abp Chaput chooses texts from Vat II that seem to endorse neo-con positions.

1. Vat II is explicit that priests should read the Divine Office in Latin. Did Abp try to implement this among his priests?

2. There is no mandate in VatII that mass be in the vernacular. In so far as Abp Chaput is so concerned with Conciliar texts, why doesn't he point this out.

3. There is in Vat II explicit texts concerning the formation of priests that they be proficient in Latin. From Optatam Totius: (Seminarians) are to acquire a knowledge of Latin which will enable them to understand and make use of the sources of so many sciences and of the documents of the Church.

Does anyone really think that more than 1% of those graduates from Abp Chaput's seminaries qualify under the above?

There are other Vat II texts that the hierarchy conveniently ignore when they refer to being in line with Conciliar texts.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Chaput has the same issues with his knees and legs as Francis does, but you don't see/hear him whinning and crying about it. "I'm in great pain", Francis said on his way to Bahrain. And all the journalists took out their hankerciefs and started weeping, on cue from Francis.
John A Cassani
He speaks about how it just takes restricting the TLM to bring out the anti-conciliar sentiment, but I am certain that Summorum Pontificum did more to soften that sentiment than anything else over the past 60 years. And yes, taking away rights is, in every case, going to provoke anger, and the council is a very easy target, since nothing good has come out of it.
P. O'B
Sure, Archbishop Chaput, pour on some more vinegar and see if the flies come.
Lisi Sterndorfer
Chaput defended the morning after pill years ago and before that he was in liturgical matters....
ähmmm see the pic.More
Chaput defended the morning after pill years ago and before that he was in liturgical matters....

ähmmm see the pic.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
CHaput claims to have some Native American in him, which is why he did this. It's still illegit. Another neo-con appointment by the late, not great but better than what we got now, John Paul II.