
Pilgrim On the Way to Santiago de Compostela Disappeared Without Trace

Adriano Pacifico, 32, a cook from Bastiglia, Italy, left his home on 2 July by bicycle for Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

A priest from Modena had suggested the pilgrimage to him, and Pacifico had bought books about it and watched many videos. "I am walking with the love of the Lord and I will find the right way," he explained. He wanted to be with God, his sister told local media. Pacifico had recently separated from his concubine and two daughters.

His mother heard from him every day, the last time on 11 July at 5.20pm when during a video phone call from Toulon, France, he told her that he needed to rest because he was not feeling well.

He looked exhausted, almost in tears, and was in a shed, in the company of a dodgy Algerian who had lent him his mobile phone because his own no longer worked.

Since then, there have been many withdrawals of €20/30 from ATMs. The last withdrawal in July in Aubagne emptied the account. So far, the French police have shown little interest in the case.


Jeffrey Ade
I hope he achieved his goal, "I am walking with the love of the Lord and I will find the right way." It was nice of the Algerian to lend him his cell phone. RIP.
i hope he will be found alright
I he will be found alright
la verdad prevalece
🙏 🙏 🙏
Very sad.