
Southwark Archbishop: [S]ex-Synod Represented Less Than 1% Of Catholics

A synod is not a ballot where people vote according to what they believe "the Holy Spirit" is telling them, wrote Southwark Archbishop John Wilson in a November 4 summary after attending Francis’ Synod (RcSouthwark.co.uk).

He clarifies that the "sensus fidei" is not a mechanism for deciding the Church's faith, but describes how the Faith received from the apostles, is received, understood, and lived.

Wilson recalls that "only a small number of Catholics in England and Wales" responded to the local synodal process, and the figure worldwide is estimated at less than 1%.

"This means we need to contextualise the implications of the contributions received”, he concludes.

Picture: John Wilson © Mazur, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsSsuhgqadcv

Denis Efimov
Less than 1%. I wonder what the percentage of traditional Catholics is in the world. If we believe Wikipedia, then about the same. Eh, the wrong people were attracted to the synodality. But we know why this is so.
Margaret Emery
Archbishop Wilson is a very mixed blessing. For example:
WIMBLEDON, UK, December 4, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – A London Catholic parish allowed a Hindu group to hold a “Diwali” pagan festival in its parish hall next to the church. The local Archbishop Wilson defended the decision after a parishioner complained, but has also decided to review policy after LifeSiteNews reached out for comment.
Read it here: …More
Archbishop Wilson is a very mixed blessing. For example:

WIMBLEDON, UK, December 4, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – A London Catholic parish allowed a Hindu group to hold a “Diwali” pagan festival in its parish hall next to the church. The local Archbishop Wilson defended the decision after a parishioner complained, but has also decided to review policy after LifeSiteNews reached out for comment.

Read it here:

UK bishop allows pagan Hindu festival to be celebrated on Catholic church grounds - LifeSite
It matters not whether it was 1% or 100% participation. No Catholic promote mortal sins, or their occasion. It is not just baptism that defines a Catholic but also adherence to the magisterial teaching of the Catholic Church. Since these reprobates are well aware of the magisterial teachings but wish to reject them have they not have fallen from the Faith?