
First US Bishop Stands With Strickland

US Military Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Coffey will join Bishop Joseph Strickland in a rosary at noon on November 14 and again on November 15 outside the convention hotel Marriot Waterfront in Baltimore where the US bishops are currently meeting for their autumn assembly.

The prayer is open to all. Strickland, whom Francis unjustly sacked last weekend, is not attending the bishops' meeting. He is in Baltimore because he had already booked his flight there.


Did this guy actually show up?
Bishop Coffey was a “no show” when Bishop Strickland prayed the Rosary on Tuesday and Wednesday in Baltimore.
"First" US Bishop - I like the optimism.
Sally Dorman
“When [evil] seems triumphant and when authority abuses its power, committing all manner of injustice and oppressing the weak, their ruin shall be near. They will fall and crash to the ground.” - Our Lady of Good Success of the Purification
Everyday for Life Canada
This is the time for the USCCB to stand with Bishop Strickland and defend the Deposit of the Faith or remain silent and allow the current Church crisis to get worse.
Geminiano Secundo
Kryzys Kościoła? To jest coś więcej niż kryzys, to jest zmiana epoki: przejście od Kościoła Chrystusowego do Królestwa Chrystusowego na ziemi.
Benedykt XVI, zgodnie z 'Proroctwem św. Malachiasza', był ostatnim papieżem rzymskim. Obecnie Kościół jest we władzy Niszczyciela - charakter jego działalności opisuje 112 akapit 'Proroctwa': "In persecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit.".
Piotr Rzymianin -…More
Kryzys Kościoła? To jest coś więcej niż kryzys, to jest zmiana epoki: przejście od Kościoła Chrystusowego do Królestwa Chrystusowego na ziemi.
Benedykt XVI, zgodnie z 'Proroctwem św. Malachiasza', był ostatnim papieżem rzymskim. Obecnie Kościół jest we władzy Niszczyciela - charakter jego działalności opisuje 112 akapit 'Proroctwa': "In persecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit.".
Piotr Rzymianin - postać ze 113 akapitu 'Proroctwa' - to drugi Pocieszyciel, wielki monarcha czasów ostatecznych, to On przeprowadza wyznawców Jezusa Chrystusa do obiecanego Królestwa Bożego na ziemi.
Everyday for Life Canada
Thank you for the comment. But we do have the reassuring words from St. Matthew, "I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
I have always wondered about that “shall not prevail” wording. That means that the gates of hell will “win”, whatever that means, for a time. Or, appear to win for a time, but will not prevail to the end.
It does indeed seem like many have been devoured by the gates of hell and many stand defenseless against hell because of awful catechisis. Jesus left only 11 Apostles and they founded churches …More
I have always wondered about that “shall not prevail” wording. That means that the gates of hell will “win”, whatever that means, for a time. Or, appear to win for a time, but will not prevail to the end.

It does indeed seem like many have been devoured by the gates of hell and many stand defenseless against hell because of awful catechisis. Jesus left only 11 Apostles and they founded churches from Spain to India in their lifetimes. I guess we need to do it again.
porta folio manager
@myunkie No. U have the wrong idea... read the Patrology... this means that the HERESY (error) will NEVER be preached in the Church... the Church can not teach the error (Dogma)
I am always willing to learn. I am not familiar with “the Patrology”. Who is the author?
True Mass
God Bless Bishop Coffey. We need many more. I am Spartacus.
Novena - Oremus
Strickland already prayed here on November 13 with a small group of men